View Full Version : Does this behaviour show anything?

03-05-2010, 04:25 PM
I'm just trying to catch up on a learning journey with a new mindee and noticed something she does but I'm stuck, does it show anything or is it a schema? She's 3.

Water play - she emptied all the water into the sand until water was all gone as though I asked her to do that, then she played with it all.

Gloop in tuff spot - again mixed all water in then asked for a bit more, kept moving round the whole tray to use different parts, on the go all the time exploring it, had a go with all the objects I put in - the others only moved a bit.

Playdoh - homemade stuff, was too sticky so someone brought extra flour. She mixed all hers in, then as other kids left the table she sat piling on theirs and also adding their playdoh to make a large pile.

Washing hands - she likes to use kids soap, then my soap so spends ages washing hands, though this has stopped a bit now as her hands were getting sore.

She shares very well, so doesn't take off others so she can have it all.

I've got my 2 running round making lots of noise so brain not working so well, any help much appreciated!

03-05-2010, 04:40 PM
The sand and water etc is a bit like Heursitic play where they explore emptying things out and filling up.

Not sure about the handwashing - she might just like the feel of the different soaps - perhaps one lathers up moter than the other.

03-05-2010, 06:48 PM
My son likes to mix too. He loves to watch things as they change and look at what each new ingredient does to the end product. It makes for some great science observations.
I save any dry products like flour, herbs etc that go out of date, add to the box cheap vinegar, those dried potato flake things (like smash), cheap cereal, water, colours etc, and then every 6 weeks or so we have a mad mixing day.
Each ingredient does different things, the potato is obviously stiff once water goes in, vinegar and baking soda - say no more, the herbs and spices add smells (but remember only small amount of herbs and be careful which spices you offer). There is so much you can learn from mixing and combining - not to mention the motor skills from dropping, spooning, transferring and mixing etc.

sonia ann
03-05-2010, 08:29 PM
My son likes to mix too. He loves to watch things as they change and look at what each new ingredient does to the end product. It makes for some great science observations.
I save any dry products like flour, herbs etc that go out of date, add to the box cheap vinegar, those dried potato flake things (like smash), cheap cereal, water, colours etc, and then every 6 weeks or so we have a mad mixing day.
Each ingredient does different things, the potato is obviously stiff once water goes in, vinegar and baking soda - say no more, the herbs and spices add smells (but remember only small amount of herbs and be careful which spices you offer). There is so much you can learn from mixing and combining - not to mention the motor skills from dropping, spooning, transferring and mixing etc.

I really like this idea....thank you:clapping: