View Full Version : What needs to be in place before applying???

29-04-2010, 11:36 AM
Hi guys,

I am in process of registering but starting to stress about how much needs to be done before I actually send off my application form???

Have done ICC Course and First Aid Course, have writen approx 20 policies, half way through my Risk Assessments, dropping Dr's form off today.

Shall I wait until I have painted my playroom for instance?? What about safety features like stair gates/plug socket covers/door stops etc ... do all these things have to be in place for them to see at the Pre-Reg visit?? I have a 7 year old girl and 5 year old boy so have various toys but not baby toys ... should I buy some baby toys ready for visit?

Do I have to have all relevant documentation likes visitors books/attendance books etc. And First Aid kits ... do they have to be available or are these things that can be done after Pre-Reg visit but before i start minding??

Sorry for all questions but just seem to spend hours typing up policies/risk assessments etc and telling myself I am no where near ready :(

What did you have ready etc and what can wait?

29-04-2010, 12:18 PM
I think you need to take a breathe! The whole reason for pre reg visits etc are to guide you through all this. Yes, put things in place as you think of them but don't panic. You know as a mother the type of things that are required and there is no point in buying tons of resources until you are further along - you will need to see what children you have anyway - its no good getting tons of baby toys if your first mindees are school age.

I am sure you will be fine - just take it a step at a time - i would get your application in now.:thumbsup:

29-04-2010, 12:28 PM
as far as paperwork goes , i had my home ras done and a couple of policies just to check i was on the right track. I had gone through the preparing for your inspection booklet , and done the obvious things in the house like putting down safety bark.
Other than that i had a list of what i would do - eg stair gates . I wouldnt worry at all about decorating , maybe get a couple of toys if you see them at carboots etc , but remember you may not have children of this age once you start , so dont go mad.
I hadnt done any courses except first aid prereg but this differs in each area.7hth , Kath

Lainey Lou
29-04-2010, 01:53 PM
I wouldn't worry too much about having everything in place, like someone has already said the pre-reg visit is a guide for you to make sure that you are on the right track with things. An example of that for me was I have 3 steps leading up to my front door and on my pre-reg I asked the inspector whether I needed railings and if so on both sides, she had a look and said yes.

What they will do is list all the things you intend to implement and then on your first inspection, they will check to make sure you have put everything in place.

I would recommend making sure you are up to date with the statutory framework as they will ask you lots of questions about that so you need to show you understand it all.

Other than that it sounds like you are on the right track as it is, you've got loads more done than I had! Good luck with everything :) x

01-05-2010, 07:09 PM
You have done far more than I had before my pre-reg inspection! I hadn't written any policies, didnt have a pc at the time. Just told Mrs O that I would be buying one in the next few months and would write them then and she was fine with that.

we had only really done what we needed to do for our dd who was 11mths at the time. we had stairgates up, plug sockets covered and cupboard locks. Our garden was a state and she still registered me for it!

I wouldn't buy toys yet. You dont know what age your mindees are going to be yet.

Good Luck, I'm sure you'll be fine. You sound well prepared!