29-04-2010, 05:55 AM
Morning Everyone

We are getting closer to the long bank holiday weekend :clapping: :clapping:

What you all doing today ? We are continuing with our " We are Different " display.
Its been great to sit outside doing our crafts rather than stuck indoors

Bit dull here at the moment so hope the sun comes out soon

Hope you all have a great day

Angel xxx

miss mopple
29-04-2010, 06:06 AM
Morning Angel

bit overcast here today and I am stuck in again waiting for a delivery that didnt come yesterday :angry:

Think we'll be going with the flow today. 3yr old will be happy roleplaying with my DD until pre school (they do it all the time- they are just like an old married couple together :laughing: ) and I only have a 22mth old other than that so a nice easy one for me :thumbsup:

Need to nip to the pet shop so if the delivery comes early will do that later as the kids love to look at the animals there :)

sonia ann
29-04-2010, 06:08 AM
Morning Angel.....quiet am with only one 4yr old then off to hospital this pm for my cardiopulmonary exercise test (cpex)....that should be fun....as I can't walk upstairs at the moment without getting out of breath :laughing: :D

How is your leg now ...any better?

29-04-2010, 06:12 AM
Morning Both

Have a lovely day

Sonia good luck at the hospital hope it goes ok keep me posted
My leg is the same and still on antibiotics , thank you for asking

Good luck

Angel xxx

29-04-2010, 06:30 AM
Morning Angel and Everyone

You've just made my day Angel as I keep forgetting about the BH Another short week next week :clapping: :clapping:

We're having a messy day today, gelli baff, play doh and painting

Good luck at the hospital Sonia :thumbsup:

Have a great day everyone

Carol xx

29-04-2010, 06:57 AM
Morning everyone

It's a bit overcast here too - hoping to mow the front lawn before it rains.

Looking forward to the long weekend as ds2 will be home for all of it! :clapping:

Sorry you're leg is no better Angel.

Hope the hospital trip goes well Sonia

Miffy xx

29-04-2010, 08:13 AM
Rain here this morning :(

Packing dd's case today as she goes away fri for the weekend with her friend, im gonna miss her :(

Hope you all have a good day :thumbsup:

Good luck at the hospital Sonia, and Angel i hope your leg improves soon x

29-04-2010, 02:43 PM
hello everyone
Didn't realise the forum had daily threads.must pop in more often.
I had a lovely morning with my 6mth mindee.We had a long walk while she had her morning nap.Great for me being on WW diet.
We then visited my sister and her 2 children 6mths and 2yrs.with the weather being warm but overcast we sat in the garden on picnic blankets.The babies practiced their sitting up unaided and watched 2 yr old potter round the garden.
Great when the weather is like this.Roll on the summer.
Made me think of how to improve my garden.May have to buy a gazebo to allow us to play in the shade.
Hope eveeryone has had a good day and enjoys their long weekend, if they get one :)