View Full Version : I'm sad - Cat put to sleep

Heaven Scent
28-04-2010, 05:35 AM
Oh dear,

Our lovely 17year old felix look a like cat was finally put to sleep yesterday at about 6.45 -

I got him for DH shortly after we got married for as part of a Christmas Present before we had Children. He was diagnosed with diabetes about 18 mths ago and he didn't respond properly to the treatment. The poor wee fella looked dreadful he was all tatty and looked unloved but he was loved. He had become incontinent and then over the last week he wasn't eating properly (typical as DH was away) Then yesterday DH said he felt that poor old Mr Spock was on his last legs so I nipped across the road to the vet and asked him what the proceedure was.

The Vet rang later and asked if we would bring him in so I rang Mr T who wasn't happy with me as he then felt rushed into it. When Mr T got in DS gave him a load of Chicken Breast and he ate the lot so I was confident that Mr T was just looking on the dark side and convinced him to take the cat to vet to get checked for thyroid problems and a couple of other illnesses that older cats suffer from. I spoke to the vet about the tests and sent Mr T & DS off with the cat - they were gone a while and came back without him poor DS was beside himself with grief - he's a real softie and loved his cat it was his job to give insulin, feed the cat and clean up his poos etc. (DD didn't say much). It was all a bit sudden really because I'm off to Ireland tonight for my Nieces confirmation tomorrow. I'm calling the vets later to ask for his ashes back so we can bury him.

Poor DH and DS - I was allergic to him so wasn't very involved in his care but I did love the poor little fella and am still trying to get my head round the fact that I sent him off to meet his end. He had such a lovely little face and was as cute as a button.

We won't be getting another one though we'll never get another spock back so he can't be replaced we are just going to enjoy our memories of him. He survived living on 2 main roads - our first house and now this one but he had a lovely life in the middle when we lived in a house that was built on a small piece of land a farmer sold off the house faced the farm house I would often watch Spock trot off though the park opposite the house then make his way across the field towards the cows, find one lying down then lie down and curl up against one.

Aaaahhh We will all miss our lovely little man.

Bye Bye Spocky.

28-04-2010, 05:57 AM
Sorry to hear your news HS, sending you all hugs.

R.I.P Mr Spock xx

28-04-2010, 06:10 AM
ooooooooooh sorry to hear that Celine

Hope you are all ok

Rest in Peace spock

Love to you

Angel xxx

28-04-2010, 06:47 AM
So sorry to hear about Mr Spock, hope you're not too sad today.

Miffy xx

28-04-2010, 06:52 AM
RIP Mr Spock, now chasing mice over Rainbow Bridge xxx

28-04-2010, 06:54 AM
so sorry to hear that !!!! :(

sending hugs x

28-04-2010, 06:54 AM
A friend who has gone from this life, but remains on in out hearts. :littleangel:

28-04-2010, 06:59 AM
I'm so sorry! Sending big hugs xx

28-04-2010, 07:01 AM
Hugs are on their way :(

28-04-2010, 07:17 AM
Sorry to hear about your loss, we lost our 15 year old cat in February, he'd also been ill for quite a while with thyroid disease and never really responded to the treatment

28-04-2010, 07:18 AM
awh bless, sending hugs

28-04-2010, 07:43 AM
aw that's so sad HS

peanut says he hopes mr s is in a better place and he sends you all big hugs xxxxx

28-04-2010, 08:02 AM

28-04-2010, 09:36 AM
I'm so sorry to hear that. I watched my cat being put to sleep last Friday. Very sad times.

Big Hugs


28-04-2010, 11:41 AM
Hugs to you and your family. X

28-04-2010, 12:03 PM
So sorry :( I know how attached we can get to pets - hope you are ok xx

28-04-2010, 12:28 PM
Celest i think that you would never get another Mr Spock, but you could be missing out on a lovely Uhura or Bones to welcome you home.

Maybe after a month or so you should consider a Beam me in Scotty :thumbsup:

Once a home has had a cat it seems empty without. xxxxxxxx:(

28-04-2010, 12:37 PM
Oh Celest I'm so so sorry to hear your news big hugs to you and the family xxx

i am going through almost the same thing with my Ceefor ( i know !! my son's idea at the time :D ) she is 18 this year and she came to us at 8 weeks old . she has always been so fit and well and its heartbreaking to see her so scraggy looking , one of my mums is a vet so luckly she keeps an eye on her without all those horrendous bills, i just pay for the actual medication . I'm dreading it when the time comes to let her go, i just can't imagine the house without her .

love to JenJen also xx

28-04-2010, 12:44 PM
I no how you feel,its so sad when you lose an animal im still sad over my tups she was so special to me sending you some hugs tups xx:group hug: :group hug:

28-04-2010, 12:49 PM
I know how hard it is to lose a much loved pet. Try to remember the lovely times you had with him and remember he had 17 years ( a very good age ) of being a much loved family pet , it doesn't get much betterthan that !

(((HUGS )))

28-04-2010, 01:11 PM
im sorry to hear your sad news it will be happy again in heaven cat land soon

28-04-2010, 01:28 PM
i saw this thread earlier this morning but didnt want to read as i would start to cry.

so i have just read it................................................ .

i am so sorry about your furry friend. I am not looking forward to our old ladies going to the great spare bed in the sky. They are 15 and 14. the youngest one (petal) is shouting at me now. She only has half her teeth!

My heart, love and hugs go to you and your family

mandy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

28-04-2010, 05:45 PM
big hugs sweetie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

28-04-2010, 09:03 PM


28-04-2010, 09:09 PM
Sending you hugs hope today has been a better day.

29-04-2010, 07:20 PM
So so sorry C

hugs to the family, It is so hard, its like losing part of the family..

sending my love..