View Full Version : Bariatric surgery

23-04-2010, 07:11 AM
What are your thoughts re this?
Do you know anyone who has had one of the surgeries?

23-04-2010, 07:12 AM
Not sure what my thoughts are Jen

I would be scared I think

My sisters friend had it done and she always seemed ill to me and it she did end up with a great weight loss but about 5 years on and she is big again now

Are you thinking of having it done ?

Angel xx

23-04-2010, 08:47 AM

I had a gastric band fitted four years ago and the results initially were very good BUT four years on whilst I have not regained all my weight I am still overweight but manage to maintain this weight as opposed to the continual losing and regaining weight which had been a pattern of the previous 20 years. The down side to having this surgery is that you are limited as to what you can actually eat and I find that this is causing me major issues at meal times because I struggle to digest my food properly and most of the time end up being sick.

For me the positive side of this kind of surgery is that I now have a wardrobe full of clothes that fit me all the time and not a wardrobe full of clothes of different sizes that fit depending on what diet I am on (if that makes sense) and that for the first time ever I am able to maintain a weight.

Yes I would like to be a few stones lighter but at least mentally I feel a lot better in myself.


23-04-2010, 08:58 AM
ive read lots of times thinking it would be a easy option but its expensive could go wrong so decided to try extra hard to lose x amount yes its tuff and very hard work and depressing but for me the way to go if you do descide to go ahead make sure its through the right channels.do your research on the people doing it, good luck on whatever you decide:)

18-05-2010, 01:04 PM
Hi, sorry, I forgot I started this thread :blush:

The meds I have been on for 13 years, although good for my asthma when I battle to breathe, have certain side effects. Panic attacks, slow healing of wounds (eg: the mosquito bites I got in Israel on my arms have left scars as my skin cannot heal properly), a weakened immune system etc. the worse being rapid weight gain. And my body just isn't coping with it all anymore and I am looking at having surgery to aid me in my weight loss a lot more quickly, so my asthma can improve with the weight loss, and I can get off these vicious meds, with the aim to only using my inhalers every day.

I've been in a vicious circle for years... my asthma is bad, I need steroids, I have rapid weight gain, this exacerbates my asthma, which means I need even more steroids, which means I gain even more weight .. etc. I have tried on my own to lose the weight but have to practically starve myself as I don't eat that much anyhow, but need to eat even less to counteract the tablets.

I lost 32kgs by literally starving myself in 2006 (to counteract tablets), and after a bout of heavy steroid use over the next 18 months, that returned... I lost another 12 kgs in 2008, but after my hospital stay (severe asthma attack), that returned too. So I need medical intervention.

I approached the NHS and have been happy with their service thus far - they are thorough and want to ensure this is the right step for me.

I have seen 3 specialists so far, and see the surgeon on 2 June. He will see whether I need to see another 2 specialists (respiratory and anaethetist)/set a surgery date.

I will be in hospital 3-5 days, and need at least a week off work thereafter. The week I go back to work my hubby will take off work to help with basic lifting, carrying baby upstairs etc. as I cannot do heavy lifting for 6 weeks after surgery. As soon as the surgery date is set I'll chat with OFSTED to ask about hubby being a temp assistant.

Am equally scared and apprehensive, but excited. Being this large has lessened my quality of life considerably and I am not coping. Physically/mentally/emotionally.

Interesting, the bariatric nurse told me that 15% of obese people actually under eat... the absolute opposite to what people might think. Meds play a far bigger role than we realise with weight gain.

18-05-2010, 01:13 PM

I had a gastric band fitted four years ago and the results initially were very good BUT four years on whilst I have not regained all my weight I am still overweight but manage to maintain this weight as opposed to the continual losing and regaining weight which had been a pattern of the previous 20 years. The down side to having this surgery is that you are limited as to what you can actually eat and I find that this is causing me major issues at meal times because I struggle to digest my food properly and most of the time end up being sick.

For me the positive side of this kind of surgery is that I now have a wardrobe full of clothes that fit me all the time and not a wardrobe full of clothes of different sizes that fit depending on what diet I am on (if that makes sense) and that for the first time ever I am able to maintain a weight.

Yes I would like to be a few stones lighter but at least mentally I feel a lot better in myself.


Thanks for sharing your experience Denise! :)

I am not expecting miracles, I don't want to go down to what I was pre-asthma (diagnosed at 23 as severe), where I was 62kgs... I just want a better lifestyle, and to get off these ferocious steroid meds and all their side effects... be rid of this nigh continual back pain (another side effect, exacerbated by my weight).

I would like some control over my weight again, be slim enough with my lungs strong enough, for me to partake in some of the sports I used to do again, take away the risk of heart attack/life shortening etc.

I would also like to be able to shop for clothes IN shops.. and not online anymore :thumbsup:

18-05-2010, 03:17 PM
no advice as never heard of it but
sending you ennnnooooorrrrrmmmmmoooouuuuusssss hugs though Jen

Carol M
18-05-2010, 03:33 PM
I know a girl who had a band fitted 2 yrs ago. She was morbidly obese.
At first she struggled and was regularly being sick but the weight dropped off her.
2 yrs on she has lost 14 stone!
She is tiny now, under all that fat she had a very small frame.
She had a tummy tuck in Jan and her boobs lifted last week, all on the NHS.
She also wants her arms and thighs done. The thought of all that surgery puts me off as I never seem to come through surgery ok, and I don't trust the NHS as they have made mistakes on me before!
I too have had steroid treatment and put back weight I had previously lost. It's a pain. Good luck if you go ahead with surgery, I'm glad you are researching.
Carol x

18-05-2010, 03:36 PM
good luck in whatever you do Jen, sending love and hugs x x x

18-05-2010, 03:59 PM
My best friend had a gastric bypass 2years ago. She swears it was the best thing she has ever done in her life, despite having massive complications and being off work for 2 mths :eek: she lost around 6 stone and has mainted her weight for the last year (although is still around 3 stone over her ideal weight). Hth

18-05-2010, 05:29 PM
Will be thinking of you Jen. It's a shame that the medication you have to have is giving you other health issues.
Let us know the outcome. X

Heaven Scent
18-05-2010, 06:07 PM
Fern Brittain had it done didn't she - and she is brill!!!

I am so pleased you have some hope and that it works for you!!!

You are doing this under very strict control and have not gone to a private clinic for vanity reasons so for all of that you should be just fine.

All the very very best I hope everything goes really well for you - I'll be thinking of you!!!

18-05-2010, 07:26 PM
Thanks for the encouragement ladies. It's something we have thought long and hard about. We (and the docs) see no way around me getting off these meds sans some medical intervention.

I am not doing this for vanity, but for my health and quality/longevity of life. I am blessed with a husband who cares not what my size is... but would like to be married (his words) to me for many more decades to come, and at this rate, with the ever increasing weight, this doesn't seem likely.

I have never been under anaesthetic and am nervous as anything about that tbh, with my dodgy lungs.

2 pals of mine in the States have had it done and they have never looked back :thumbsup:

18-05-2010, 07:34 PM
The surgery and the weight loss sounds like the perect solution to get your health back on track.

You sound like you are already recieving excellent service from your GP and consultants. So pleased for you.

As you have seen from my post, I'm having a gastric band fitted. Although I have no current health issues, as we all know, people who are overweight/obese are at a lot higher risk of developing problems. I want to be around to see my children grow up, be fit enough to support my parents as they get older etc etc. This is why I've decided on the drastic measures of surgery.

I don't think any form of obesity surgery can be seen as vanity, even for those of us choosing to go private. It's a case of trying to have a better quality of health by any which way we can.

Good luck with your next appointment Jen, keep me informed, as I will you. x

23-05-2010, 07:56 PM
Thanks for the encouragement Lucy! I wish you all the best too with your surgery :thumbsup: Feel free to email me anytime :)

08-09-2010, 10:27 PM
Hi everyone, I thought I'd let you know I have a surgery date - 14 October! Nervous but excited :)

08-09-2010, 10:31 PM
I did not realise you were still going to go through with it

Well done

Hope all goes well for you

Give us a reminder nearer the time so we do not forget please

Angel xx

08-09-2010, 10:39 PM
I have no choice tbh Angel, I am in constant pain now, and winter approaches... a baaaaad time for my asthma and lungs. This surgery will frog leap me into a new chapter in my life. I so desire the health of my twenties.

Thanks for your care, is much appreciated x

08-09-2010, 10:55 PM
I have no choice tbh Angel, I am in constant pain now, and winter approaches... a baaaaad time for my asthma and lungs. This surgery will frog leap me into a new chapter in my life. I so desire the health of my twenties.

Thanks for your care, is much appreciated x

Wish I could get motivated

I hope everything goes well for you I am sure it will

You are soon going to be a new woman

Lucky you :laughing:

Angel xx