View Full Version : Interesting will schools go through with it...

22-04-2010, 04:59 PM

Sorry if it has already been posted.

I am really hoping that my school is boycotting it will lift the stress and pressure on dd :thumbsup:

22-04-2010, 05:03 PM
Hi Cant find what you might be looking at on the link. Is it about teachers boycotting the sats:D

22-04-2010, 05:27 PM
Yes it was Helen. Think they are trying to limit my internet access :eek: Nothing is working right.

22-04-2010, 05:49 PM
yes i hope they boycott it both my parents are teachers and say it is unfair to the children and it does them no justice sats are just for schools.

but my local school are not boycotting them. my oldest is doing his next year so hopefully will be finished by next year

22-04-2010, 05:51 PM
We have had a letter from my sons' school, they are boycotting the SATs

22-04-2010, 06:30 PM
A friend of mine is a head teacher at a school in yorkshire and is having enormous pressure put on him by LEA and govenors not to boycott - not sure what he is gonna do though :panic:

Heaven Scent
22-04-2010, 07:09 PM
They should have been boycotted years ago - infact schools should have done so from the start - its a disgrace how they put poor little ones under this pressure and for what?????????????:angry: :angry: - it just so the teacher and school can say oh look at us aren't we brill - it has nothing to do with benefitting the children.

22-04-2010, 07:10 PM
I have never been a teacher, but can imagine that it is huge pressure having the children doing their SAT's.

I told my ds that that was what he was doing in Yr 2 last yr. The teacher wasnt impressed as she didnt want the others to know.

I feel that I trust my childs teacher to know where my child is up to and I know what level my child is up to, so do not know what the real need is.
Surely, a teacher can provide information on what level every child is up to, without having them sit down and doing a formal test?

Having seen the workload my sons teacher has - 30 in the class and a few with special needs - and still doing the best for my child - I feel anything tl lighten the load would be good!

Rachel x