View Full Version : A SUNNY TUESDAY ?

20-04-2010, 05:42 AM
Morning Everyone

Sun is already out here but not sure how long it will last - it turned really cold yesterday
Hope we all have lovely sunshine today

Kids are making a den today with all the old boxes then its sand and water play for us then the kids have lots of seeds to plant ( we must do our sunflower this week )

What are you all doing today do you have anything nice planned ?

Have a great day

Angel xxx

20-04-2010, 05:46 AM
Good morning ! :D

I have a new baby starting ( I'm really looking forward to it ). So it will be garden play for my lot today while I get to know the new baby :clapping:

Have a great day everyone.

20-04-2010, 05:47 AM
Good morning ! :D

I have a new baby starting ( I'm really looking forward to it ). So it will be garden play for my lot today while I get to know the new baby :clapping:

Have a great day everyone.

Morning Twinkle Toes

Good luck with the new baby hope you have a good day

Angel xxx

20-04-2010, 06:05 AM
Morning, Very sunny here this morning, I told my sister to share as she is having an extended week in the sun haha.

Today I have 1 mindee, were off to the library this morning and to the shops then I think if it stays like this, the park this afternoon.

Enjoy the sunshine everyone :cool:

20-04-2010, 06:11 AM
Morning, Very sunny here this morning, I told my sister to share as she is having an extended week in the sun haha.

Today I have 1 mindee, were off to the library this morning and to the shops then I think if it stays like this, the park this afternoon.

Enjoy the sunshine everyone :cool:

Hope your sister is ok
have a good day xxxx

20-04-2010, 06:13 AM
Morning all, have an extra mindee today but he's a friends baby so not really like working. Must go to Tesco as we have no food in the house. Rest of the day we'll be playing.

20-04-2010, 06:26 AM
Morning Everyone

Back to school for us today, so 3 school runs a day again. I've actually missed doing them :D

I have my weigh in this morning, just hope I've lost weight this week and not stayed the same :panic:

We're going to be making some crowns for the Queens birthday, thanks Sazhazey (I think it was you) for the idea:thumbsup:

Hopefully we will be in the garden later as it does look like it's going to be a lovely day

Good luck with your new baby Twinkles :thumbsup:

Have a great day everyone

Carol xx

20-04-2010, 06:28 AM
Good morning everyone

It's lovely and sunny here atm so hope it lasts.

Quiet morning for me with one lo at school and the other at playgroup. Then off to the park this afternoon if it stays nice.

Have a lovely day

Miffy xx

20-04-2010, 06:46 AM
Its beautiful here! Hope it stays like that!

A busy day in our house. Toddlers this morning, potential mindee visiting at 1pm and then my first mindee starting after nursery. Very exciting day as well! Hope new mum signs up!

Got to go and dig all the baby toys out of the cupboards now as the LO is 8mths old.

Hope everybody has a great day!

20-04-2010, 06:58 AM
Good morning. Uber sunny here down in Zummerzet. Beautiful day. I've just covered my daughter in sun cream ready for school as she came home with little pink arms yesterday!

20-04-2010, 07:17 AM

Gorgeous day here in Hertfordshire :laughing:

Tuesday is my day off so I am really looking forward to spending the day with my son :D

Going to have to go shopping and then to the big park to feed the ducks. I LOVE TUESDAYS!!!

Have a lovely day everyone xxxx

20-04-2010, 07:26 AM
i like the idea of making crowns today, sort of ties in with st georges day too

and they can do some flag making tomorrow morning

my friend who is stuck in India is on the move but no idea to where yet, the airline have offered him a seat on a flight and he's on the way to the airport right now

20-04-2010, 08:19 AM
Morning everyone

Warm and sunny here.
I feel very summery today as I have got a skirt and top on istead of jeans for a change.

I'm in a very good mood as I got my DHC unit 2 results this morning and got an 'A' :clapping:

Off into town in a bit to have a celebration coffee with a freind as I have no Mindees until after school today.

Have a great day :thumbsup: