View Full Version : how do I move away from bribery?

18-04-2010, 07:45 AM
:panic: George had a sort of phobia of doing poo's on the potty or toilet - he doesn't like mess. So he went through months of going in his pants - we managed to bribe him to go on the toilet in exchange for a present from tescos (a small toy). He went on the toilet 2 consecutive days, then i decided to try a sticker chart - after 10 stickers he gets a present - he messed his pants 7 days on the trot. this morning out of the blue he told me he needed a 'dirty' and sat on the toilet - now he wants a present from tescos. i don't want to get out of the habit of going on the toilet because i'm getting through a fortune in pants.... how do i get away from this bribery to something a little more affordable? as it is if we go to get him a present today it'll be a 60p car so nothing amazing.

any advice?

18-04-2010, 12:46 PM
Could you buy something like a filled pencil case (you know the character sort you can get), take everything out & give him one thing back each time, so he's filling it again?

Or give him 10p each time & get him to put it in a moneybox so he can see it building up? It wouldn't take long before he could buy himself something little.

18-04-2010, 01:52 PM
i would say go with coins so he can save to buy what he wants but remember he will most likely want this forever then so keep it small if he doesnt understand values of coins then thats even better .. nice shiny pennies!