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16-04-2010, 06:43 PM
Can you advice please
When you go out with the mindess such as an outing, do you get the mindee to carry some kind of identification for if they went missing? Im thinking a wrist band of some sort but would like to know what you guys do so i can decide what to do myself


16-04-2010, 06:56 PM
I've heard that some CM use Hi Vis waistcoats for the mindees with their setting name and mobile number printed on the back - thinking of this myself, as parks can get busy in the summer! :)

16-04-2010, 07:37 PM
mine wear wrist bands with my home number and mobile number on:)

16-04-2010, 07:45 PM
Right i have found a website that do them quite cheap - the wristbands - now before i order them i need to know what i should get printed on them
Would you put the childs name on and dob?
My name and contact number?
Any allegies?

16-04-2010, 07:53 PM
Personaly, I think I'd just put my name and my mobile number but someone else might have a better idea? :)

16-04-2010, 07:54 PM
just phone numbers.

16-04-2010, 07:56 PM
I use the velvcro ones from here

all I add is my mobile number and a parents mobile number
no names/dob etc unless there is a serious condition that a stranger may need to know about. it is very rare that a child will be offered any kind of food or drink whilst being lost.

16-04-2010, 08:09 PM
my mindees have caps :D

it has my business name and mobile number on it

16-04-2010, 08:10 PM
Boots do iluminous ones, with a small marker, it goes round their wrist, you only put your phone number mobile and home....no names, not the kids, no parents numbers either, mine also wear a wrist riegn wherever we go.
The high vis jackets are a good idea to.
So if you want them this wkend pop into a large boots store near you they are about £6 for 6

16-04-2010, 08:11 PM
my mindees have caps :D

it has my business name and mobile number on it

what a lovely idea :)

16-04-2010, 08:13 PM
Boots do iluminous ones, with a small marker, it goes round their wrist, you only put your phone number mobile and home....no names, not the kids, no parents numbers either, mine also wear a wrist riegn wherever we go.
The high vis jackets are a good idea to.
So if you want them this wkend pop into a large boots store near you they are about £6 for 6

are they the re-useable ones from boots?

16-04-2010, 08:41 PM
I use these


just first names and my mobile number

16-04-2010, 08:42 PM
with the ones at boots all you do is write your phone numbers on with marker, and as you dont put kids details on they dont really need erasing, they are plastic with press studs to fasten, bright yellow, they can be used over and over again ... made by indentikids x

julie ramskill
17-04-2010, 11:18 AM
Right i have found a website that do them quite cheap - the wristbands - now before i order them i need to know what i should get printed on them
Would you put the childs name on and dob?
My name and contact number?
Any allegies?

i do vizzy vests u can always see the kids :thumbsup: i dont have anything on them they were from ikea 1.50 each bargin n they come in different sizes.

17-04-2010, 11:24 AM
I use high vis vests and the NCMA wrist bands.

It then gives my Emergency contact details, in case anything should happen to me while out and about.

17-04-2010, 01:29 PM
Mine wear hi vis jackets with my logo on the back, which makes them easy to see at the park and re-usable wrist bands with my mobile number on.

I also have a rope thing with foams rings spaced out and kids hold a ring when we are somewhere that walking needs to be controlled.

17-04-2010, 01:47 PM
my mindees have caps :D

it has my business name and mobile number on it

i have just done this myself bought bucket hats from bakerross and did them myself..:clapping:

17-04-2010, 02:48 PM
I make the wrist bands myself - just a thin strip of illuminous paper, I write my mobile no on it and nothin else. I then cover it completely in sellotape, and then I wrap it around the child's wrist and re-sellotape it. That way I can make it to fit each child. The children love them, they don't want to take them off when we get home! And they're free!!! :clapping:

I also use the hi-vis vests from Ikea.

17-04-2010, 06:09 PM
I make the wrist bands myself - just a thin strip of illuminous paper, I write my mobile no on it and nothin else. I then cover it completely in sellotape, and then I wrap it around the child's wrist and re-sellotape it. That way I can make it to fit each child. The children love them, they don't want to take them off when we get home! And they're free!!! :clapping:

I also use the hi-vis vests from Ikea.

LOVE IT!!! I think i am going do this, like you say it is free and still as effective!! Thanks !:)
I had seen some on a website and they were about £2 each which isn't bad but if i can make them myself then i will do that

17-04-2010, 06:21 PM
Mine have hi-viz jackets on and i have written ' i am with my childminder' and my phone number on, i ususaly put it only on the under 5's or on an older child if they are likley to run off . trouble i have with the older ones is that there is only one 6yrold plus my two who are 11 and 9 in the hols and so he gets embarased and feels put out if he has to wear one so I tell him that if he behaves, dosent go out of my site and comes back when called then he dosent need to wear one. I also feel that he is old enough to tell an adult that he is with me and not his mum if he gets lost.
I also put them on the smaller children as i have had other parents ask a child 'where is your mummy' when one has hurt themselves and i havent been quick enough to get to them and of course they cant explain their not with mummy.

17-04-2010, 06:25 PM
I use these


just first names and my mobile number

are these reusable?

17-04-2010, 09:17 PM
I used to use the tyvek bands and wrote my mobile number on them with permanent marker, they were just cut off when we got home, the kids loved them as they came in a rainbow of colours so they chose their favourite. (I got them from ebay) I have recently had some tshirts done for them with my logo and business name on and then I am with my childminder and my mobile number, they are bright yellow, so should be able to spot them in a crowd, am also looking for some bright yellow baseball caps too. :thumbsup:

18-04-2010, 07:25 AM
I use high vis vests and wristbands with my phone number and 'I am with my childminder' written on them. I use the type the children cannot take off (they have to be cut off)

18-04-2010, 09:04 AM
hmm , thinking of getting some wrist bands for the older children but do you think when they are lost ie upset, paniking, that they would think to show an adult the braclet? I was thinking of getting the kids safe velcro ones but again they would need think to show an adult and ask for them to ring me, do you think they would do this when lost? and who do you tell them to go to, normally if we are somwhere like the zoo i say go in to the nearest shop/cafe and tell the people behind the till but if we are in a park and there is no shop is it ok to ask them to trust another parent?