View Full Version : 1st floor flat AND 2 indoor cats.....will this work???

16-04-2010, 08:29 AM
Hi all,

I am starting the ICP course next week and am having second thoughts about doing childminding. Not because I don't want to but my husband really doesn't think I'll be able to manage. We live in a 1st floor 2 bedroom flat which isn't massive but I think is big enough to have children in. We have no garden but we have a safe communal garden the children can play in with my supervision, woods and a park accross the road and my mother in law is a childminder with a fab garden we would be able to visit. Also we have 2 rescued indoor cats which will probably run and hide as soon as the children come oh and 2 snakes. I think the anilmal thing will be fine as the snakes are locked and only corn snakes....wouldn't hurt a thing!

Can I PLEASE have some advise as feeling pretty low atm,

Thanks Nicki x

16-04-2010, 04:13 PM
Hi I'm not an expert but I think the pets would be no problem with correct hygiene procedures etc.

Being in a flat would only be a problem if you were limited on space where ofsted could possibly reduce the maximum numbers of children you could have with the space to child ratio (not quite sure of the numbers tho sorry). And maybe getting children in buggies up and down stairs if there was no lift?
Just risk assess!

As long as you can show the children have access to outdoor play everyday the garden shouldn't be an issue.

I'd say go for it :thumbsup:

16-04-2010, 04:30 PM
I have 2 indoor cats and you have to ensure that the children cannot access the cat litter & food. This may mean putting them in a bedroom with a gate across so that the cats can move freely but the children cannot access it. Other childminders have been told that the covered litter trays are ok. Children are always supervised anyway so the likelyhood of finding them sitting in the litter tray is very low. You also should log when you worm & flea treat the cats to show that you do do it.

As long as you can tell the insp how you will allow the children to have outdoor play each day (park/MIL Garden/walks in the woods all great). The amount of children that you care for may be less than the norm if the insp deams the space to play in the flat is too small however some childminders have been told that the space of a double room is fine for max numbers (depends on areas). With the steps you may decide just to have one non walker & the others 18 month+ so you only have to carry one up the stairs. Just think about the safety aspect of getting 3 under 5s up the stairs so that you can "Risk Assess" & tell the insp how you will do it.

Good Luck

16-04-2010, 06:47 PM
Hi all,

I am starting the ICP course next week and am having second thoughts about doing childminding. Not because I don't want to but my husband really doesn't think I'll be able to manage. We live in a 1st floor 2 bedroom flat which isn't massive but I think is big enough to have children in. We have no garden but we have a safe communal garden the children can play in with my supervision, woods and a park accross the road and my mother in law is a childminder with a fab garden we would be able to visit. Also we have 2 rescued indoor cats which will probably run and hide as soon as the children come oh and 2 snakes. I think the anilmal thing will be fine as the snakes are locked and only corn snakes....wouldn't hurt a thing!

Can I PLEASE have some advise as feeling pretty low atm,

Thanks Nicki x

I have started childminding in a first floor, 2 bedrooms flat......and that wasn't a problem. I didn't have a private garden, just a communal garden where we where quiet limited to the equipment we can have( just pop-ups, sand pit, bikes simple garden equipment) but we used local park daily as it is very close to school, only a minute walk
I had no problem with Ofsted to get register for the maximum number.
THE ONLY PROBLEM I HAD IS, I HAVE FOUNDED QUIET DIFFICULT SOMETIMES, specially after school when older kids had to do some work and little ones wanted to play.
Also in a holiday when a weather didn't let us to spend to much time outdoors....
So I had to work around, working longer hours,weekends sometimes,so I can have less children at one time. But this was my choice.....
About cats... I have no idea
I hope this will make you feel better

16-04-2010, 07:41 PM
Just wanted to say thanks for the info, we have to move and may end up in a flat so this thread has helped.

17-04-2010, 09:02 AM
Thanks so much everyone or your comments. It's certainly set my mind at rest. I think I'm going to give it a go and see what happens. I'm already in a job and will have to see if I can get any mindees before I leave the job but I'm really excited now. Also showed your posts to my husband and he seems a lot more at ease of doing it in the flat. As for the cats I think they'll be fine!

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!:laughing: :laughing:

19-04-2010, 02:07 PM
The snakes shouldn't a problem either hun. I have 3 parrots (who can exert a tonne and a half of pressure per square inch with their beak) and didn't have a problem getting regeistered at all (with common sense precautions of course).

As far as being in a flat goes, i'm sure you can mind in pretty much any type of abode (inc static caravans) but like someone said earlier it may impact on your numbers.

Having previously lived in the smallest house in the world ;) I know that those of us that live in small houses or flats with little available space tend to be very organised anyway, so i'm sure you'll manage just fine.


19-04-2010, 02:48 PM
Just wanted to add, GO FOR IT!!! :clapping: :clapping:

I grew up in a 2 bedroom, first floor flat, we had 5 cats at one point!! (due to one of our cats escaping when she was in season an coming back a day later -little minx! needless to say she was the proud mummy of 4 kittens!!)

We had a dog, hampster, budgie.....

Although I was an only child, I used to have friends in all the time! there was enough space for what we needed :thumbsup: