View Full Version : Slimming World

13-04-2010, 11:38 AM
Stupid me - signed up online with slimming world and don't have time to sit down and work out what I can eat for lunch as I am working!!

I know about green and red days as did slimming world about 8 years ago but could anyone tell me what the extra easy plan is please?


13-04-2010, 12:55 PM
Extra Easy - if its free on green and red, you can eat it! You can only have 1 A and 1 B choice now tho, instead of the 2 on each. SYNS are the same, at least 5, no more than 15 (says me :laughing: )

Personally I stick to green as I am a vegetarian, but I know people at group who swear by EE and thrive on it. Others, it doesn't work for.

Wont know til you try!

13-04-2010, 03:12 PM
Stupid me - signed up online with slimming world and don't have time to sit down and work out what I can eat for lunch as I am working!!

I know about green and red days as did slimming world about 8 years ago but could anyone tell me what the extra easy plan is please?


As Avon said but your weightloss is a lot quicker on the EE if you fill a third of your plate with foods that are free on both red and green days like your salads and your veg. I prefer EE as I could never decide between having meat and veg and I hate quorn!

Good Luck hun!

19-04-2010, 11:56 AM
Am still trying to get to grips with this sw plan. Have just logged in online again and discovered a whole section I knew nothing about! So, on a green or a red day you don't have to stick to 1 a or b choice like you do on an EE day? If I want spag for dinner, how does this work on an EE day? Do you not have to restrict the meat sauce or pasta at all?

26-04-2010, 04:12 PM
The Key to EE is your superfree food so whilst you might want unlimited pasta etc it would be better to have unlimited superfree food ie veg and fruit mainly! So if you picked up a SW magazine you would see they have a side salad along with the spag bolog - just really to get you a good balance. I tend to eat the salad on its own before the spag bolog and then add in as many carrots, mushrooms etc as I can to to the meat and sauce combination!

26-04-2010, 06:28 PM
I started the EE plan today and have to say that I am loving it :). It is the first diet (I have tried many lol) that I have not felt hungry on which is fab :clapping: