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View Full Version : Accident forms - do you do one fr every fall/bump, etc?

11-04-2010, 07:54 PM
Do you do an accident form for every single little injury a child has? I've had a little girl twice at a weekend, both times we have been to the country park. The first time she got a splinter, today she fell and has a slight graze. She is very dramatic when she hurts herself!

Her brother fell twice today but is a tough little cookie and didn't cry. Just rubbed himself down and ran off.

I have no idea what exactly I am supposed to report. I have the MM accident/Incident forms but these are lengthy and also costly if I am using several oer day. :eek:

I was wondering if little things need to be repiorted or perhaps if I could just note the details in an excercise book and perhaps use the form for more serious injuries.

miss mopple
11-04-2010, 07:59 PM
My general rule of thumb is that if it bruises/ leaves a mark/ is a banged head or needs treatment then I record it on a form. If they trip but it doesnt bother them I just pop a note in their diary.

11-04-2010, 08:08 PM
Do you mean a diary that you keep (do you keep one for all mindees?) or a diary that goes home with them?

It's a small world
11-04-2010, 08:13 PM
Same here if a bruised , cut, mark or bump to head note it down. If they fall but don't bother about it just note in diary and mention it to parent as well in case they don't read diary. If you noted every accident you'd be filling it in several times aday. I find alot of the time when a child cries if they've had an accident .it's mainly due to shock and a quick cuddle and chat about what shall we do now or let's play some more and in a few mins it's all forgotton . I always tell parent and note in diary to cover myself- also if child says somethingin passing parent may want to know why I never said anything. But as mentioned always say something to parent about what's happened but that the child was fine and hasn't complained about soreness etc

It's a small world
11-04-2010, 08:18 PM
Do you mean a diary that you keep (do you keep one for all mindees?) or a diary that goes home with them?

I only have two u5s but they both have daily diaries that tell parents what they've done during the day, snacks, meals, drinks ,sleeps , toilet /nappies , a section for me to note comments and one for parents to note comments incase we don't get to char army pickups and drop offs. Each child has their favourite character on them. Plus it's something to keep as a memory of them when they're older . They go home with child and kept in their bags.

13-04-2010, 05:19 PM
I use an accident form for everything however minor - you're covered then