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sarah mc
06-04-2010, 04:28 PM
Hi I am a new childminder & Today I had a mum come to visit I need help on how to charge her. She wants me to have her children mon - Fri the hours are almost full time just for 1 child the other an hour after school (charging for that I understand) school holidays will be both of them all day (again I know how to charge for that).
But the last 2 weeks in may & the whole of June she only needs me for a total of 8 hours a week for 2 days a week. I mentioned about paying a retainer she says no one else she has seen had asked her to do that as if you work out what she is paying for the year it will end up making it all balance out.
I dont know what to do she wants to pay weekly but that means for 6 weks im only earning £30 odd pounds a week from her HELP ME WHAT DO I DO WHAT DO I DO LOL

06-04-2010, 04:50 PM
Why are the hours so much less during May and June?

It's tricky because it sounds like she only wants to pay for the time she needs you but expects you to keep the space open for her whenever she wants it - that's good for her but not very good for you.

What you have to decide is how much you need the work (is there plenty of work available in your area atm or not?) - it sounds like it may be good money in the school holidays if you are caring for both children full time.

Don't believe the "nobody else charges this" - parents don't always tell you the truth, and if there's such a good deal available elsewhere why hasn't she snapped it up?

You could decide on a set number of hours each week that she has to pay for whether they are used or not - that way you will be sure of a reasonable wage.

You decide how you are paid - for me it's monthly in advance but if you are happy to be paid weekly then I recommend it's still paid up front.

Good luck - you may be new to childminding but it is your business so you decide (not the parents) what to charge and how you will be paid.

Miffy xx

06-04-2010, 04:53 PM
I charge full rate for all children , if the parents give me 4 weeks notice then they get holidays at half rate for up to 4 weeks of the year, so in other words, if it were me, i would charge the full timer the full hourly rate for the contracted hours, the schoolie you charge the full hour as per the contract then she could use the weeks in may/june as her holiday half fee but charging the full amount for the 8hrs per week they are with you.
I do not do a sibling discount as all children are the same amount of work so i feel i should get charged the same.
hope the above is not too confusing,
we all do things differently and charge differently so i am sure somone else will give you their ideas too.
also , just because she said no one wanted to charge a retainer dosent mean its true, she could be saying this so you wont charge her one.

06-04-2010, 05:00 PM
Sarah, I think you should charge a retainer hun, I don't believe no other childminders round her don't charge retainers. Its a tough on.....start as you mean to go on though xxx

The Juggler
06-04-2010, 06:00 PM
I wouldnt even charge a retainer. If her contract has started or had already started and this situation came up she wouldn't even think of asking you for reduced fees. if this is because she has alternative care for this period, she may expect you to offer a similar reduced fee in the future.

sarah mc
06-04-2010, 06:42 PM
she has not started yet its because her husband is a footballer so football season has ended they just need me for 4 hours a day for 2 days so that he can train. then it goes back up after 6 weeks

The Juggler
06-04-2010, 08:47 PM
thing is it's only April now, you have a place. Maybe make it clear to her that you will offer it on a retainer for this year due to it being the start of the contract but next year once it's up and running any time off will be counted as absence/parent holiday and you won't be able to offer such a retainer or you won't be able to earn any other money in the period they don't bring child.

Personally though, if it were me, and they want you to start before the reduced hours are effective I'd be expecting them to pay full anyhow. Either they want you or they don't.