View Full Version : Funny childhood memories.....

05-04-2010, 12:44 PM
I will start the ball rolling;

When I was in the last year of primary school, I fancied this boy like mad.
When we played kiss chase I would run realy slowly or pretend I hadn't seen him, so he would catch me and kiss me. :blush:

When the other boys tried to catch me, I ran like mad!!! :D

05-04-2010, 05:13 PM
We used to play with these things that went round our ankles... a bit like clackers round wrists.

I tripped one day and bashed my poor face.

Mum was mortified - I had an appointment with a photographer for a special birthday photo the next day! :rolleyes: :laughing:

Helen Dempster
05-04-2010, 08:23 PM
I used to love creepy crawlies, and kept lots of (live) woodlice in a big matchbox that I would put under my pillow each night. One night they all escaped....you can imagine the rest!!

05-04-2010, 08:42 PM
oooh i made a valentines card for a boy that i "loved" (i was 8 pmsl) and put it in his drawer....unfortunately i told my friend who told everyone else - it was the height of humilliation when i walked back in the class room and the whole class erupted in to hysterical laughter


it was horrendo!


05-04-2010, 09:13 PM
I suppose mine's funny now but at the time it wasn't ......

I was very shy when I was little and I can remember being at Brownies and we were all sitting in a circle doing something and I desperately needed to go to the toilet. I couldn't put my hand up and interrupt so next thing I know there's a little puddle surrounding me :panic: So embarrassing!! :blush:

06-04-2010, 02:05 PM
I was good at embarrasing myself....still am really!:blush:

The one that always get mentioned now though is the huge hissy fit I threw when I found out my sister was born. I was adamant I didnt want a sister cos I wasnt sharing my bedroom (was 5 at the time!) and told them they had to send her back or swap her for a boy!

06-04-2010, 05:19 PM
Its a long one!:

we moved house when I was 11 so had to go to a new school where I didn't know anyone. On the first day I was given detention by my mad italian french teacher for not doing my homework! I was painfully shy so couldn't pipe up and say it was my first day and went along to detention after school where everyone found it hilarious why I was there, even the teacher! I was mortified!:blush:

On the second day it was assembly. I was sat on the floor in the front row with all the other classes in rows year by year behind us, all the way up to the fifth year. When assembly was over our row was first to get up and then once we'd got out the door the next row, then the next, etc. In those days it was proper wool jumpers we wore and as I was leaning forward the lad next to me leaned backwards and the bottom of his jumper got caught on my braces!!!!!:panic: I had to walk out of assembly in front of the WHOLE SCHOOL bent over stuck to his jumper!!!!!! I had to practically rip my teeth out to get off of him! now it's funny but at the time I just wanted to die!

On the third day my dad picked me up from school IN HIS POLICE CAR!!! I tried walking past as if I didn't notice him but he PUT THE SIREN ON TO GET MY ATTENTION!!!!:eek: How embarrassing.

I became quite well known for all the wrong reasons!:blush:

06-04-2010, 06:06 PM
Pumpkinsmum, I think you win so far :laughing: :laughing:

06-04-2010, 06:37 PM
Its a long one!:

we moved house when I was 11 so had to go to a new school where I didn't know anyone. On the first day I was given detention by my mad italian french teacher for not doing my homework! I was painfully shy so couldn't pipe up and say it was my first day and went along to detention after school where everyone found it hilarious why I was there, even the teacher! I was mortified!:blush:

On the second day it was assembly. I was sat on the floor in the front row with all the other classes in rows year by year behind us, all the way up to the fifth year. When assembly was over our row was first to get up and then once we'd got out the door the next row, then the next, etc. In those days it was proper wool jumpers we wore and as I was leaning forward the lad next to me leaned backwards and the bottom of his jumper got caught on my braces!!!!!:panic: I had to walk out of assembly in front of the WHOLE SCHOOL bent over stuck to his jumper!!!!!! I had to practically rip my teeth out to get off of him! now it's funny but at the time I just wanted to die!

On the third day my dad picked me up from school IN HIS POLICE CAR!!! I tried walking past as if I didn't notice him but he PUT THE SIREN ON TO GET MY ATTENTION!!!!:eek: How embarrassing.

I became quite well known for all the wrong reasons!:blush:

That has given me goose bumps:panic:

06-04-2010, 06:48 PM
I went to a friends birthday party in P7 and its was the 1st girl/boy party I had been to everyone else had a boyfriend there apart from me and there was one boy without a girlfriend and we didnt like each other so no matchmaking and every one else started snogging and me and this guy were left sitting ourselves I ended up sitting in the kitchen drinking tea with the birthday girls mum :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

06-04-2010, 06:57 PM
My mother for unknown reasons used to give us lots of mince????:( and i used to hate it along with beans, she took us on the bus one day into town and i was sat next to her very quiet she said was i ok and i nodded and she asked what id said and apparently i sprayed mince all over her and my brother on the bus as i had stored it in my mouth rather than eat it,

she never gave it to me for a while, but i did say i didnt like it:laughing: :laughing: and i was only about 4:laughing:

07-04-2010, 08:24 AM
when i was about 3 we were on an open top bus in london - a car cut the bus up and we had to swerve quite violently - i shouted over the top of the bus 'You f****ing stupid b******d'..... at 3 :blush: needless to say my mum was a very agressive and vocal driver!