View Full Version : Is it safe?....

04-04-2010, 02:21 PM
Jasper is now almost 5 months old, currently he sleeps in a crate.

He is house trained, and during the day when mindees are here he stays in the kitchen with Harry (but not in his crate) and they cuddle up together and sleep

He hasn't chewed anything (as i give them both plenty to chew on) so do you think that as he's ok to stay in the kitchen during the day that it would be safe to allow him to sleep during the night without being locked in his crate????


04-04-2010, 04:52 PM
I gave up locking Sammy in a crate within 4 weeks of having him, always been fine, he curls up with Lila in the kitchen. Just put a gate up on the kitchen......not for the childrens protection........i got fed up of my poor dogs been trodden on by the children!

04-04-2010, 04:56 PM
I gave up locking Sammy in a crate within 4 weeks of having him, always been fine, he curls up with Lila in the kitchen. Just put a gate up on the kitchen......not for the childrens protection........i got fed up of my poor dogs been trodden on by the children!

:laughing: :laughing:

i hve a half stable door on my kitchen so the mindees can't put their hands through the gates and pull at the dogs

i think i'll try him with his crate uo but the door open at first, see how he goes :thumbsup: