View Full Version : Just seen DD off :o(

02-04-2010, 08:18 AM
We have just taken DD to school to catch coach for her 'culture trip' to Cornwall - GCSE art and photography students (she does both :rolleyes: )

Feel really mean as she none of her close friends are going, she has been in tears but calm now and I know the trip will be good for her in the long run - she is off to college in Sept so needs to get more independent.

They will be going to Eden project, Heligan, Tate St Ives and Barbara Hepworth museum to take photos and paint/draw. Totally her 'thing' but I still feel mean - she was all up for it till she knew her mates were not going.

We are off for family hol tomorrow - (about 40 mins away from her) so will collect her on Monday before the coach takes the others back and we are on hand as such if it all goes pear shaped.

Please someone - make me feel better about sending her off :( - she is almost 16 BTW

02-04-2010, 08:20 AM
she be fine once she gets there, make some new friends and thoroughly enjoy herself and wonder why she ever got upset.

Its good they get out of their close knit friend circle once in a while

you did THE best thing i too would have done the same....x x x :)

02-04-2010, 08:21 AM
How much do you want to bet she has a new best friend when she gets back?

02-04-2010, 08:21 AM
she will be just fine making new friends on the way.

it is always hard going and I bet you by the time you will come to pick her up on monday she will wont to stay and get the coach back with all the other kids there!! :laughing:

hope she will have a great trip! sounds great anyways!!

02-04-2010, 08:27 AM
oooh ill bet she will be fine! try not to feel guilty, it was probably nerves making her cry but as the others said she will soon make friends and might even come back with a new boyfriend - i always did hahah!
try to relax, at least you know you will be near her if she needs you and you will see her on monday anyway

02-04-2010, 08:35 AM
She will have a ball! :D

02-04-2010, 08:40 AM
Of course you did the right thing - and tbh even if she doesnt make new close friendships she will be more likely to focus on the 'educational' part of the trip rather than messing and chatting with mates ( if my kids are anything to go by!). Even if she was going with friends the teachers tend to split them up into groups anyway. And its only for 3 nights!
C went to italy for 11 nights at 15 , none of his friends went as it was actually a sixth form skiing trip , but there were 2 spare places and so they offered him and a girl from his year a chance to go. I had a few of the same misgivings but he absolutely had the time of his life!

02-04-2010, 09:05 AM
She will have a ball! :D

You took the words right out of my mouth :D

She will love the tate :thumbsup:

02-04-2010, 09:34 AM
You are a good mum for encouraging her independance :clapping: Teenagers are hard aren't they. She will have a great time :thumbsup:

02-04-2010, 11:37 AM
You are good to encouraging her to go....wish I had when my kids were little:(

She will be fine, it will do her good to get some independence. :thumbsup:

02-04-2010, 03:41 PM
Thanks all, I know I was right to make her go, just felt mean every time she said she didn't want to go any more. :blush:

she has facebook on her phone so has allowed me to be her 'friend' for the trip! Had a good look at her photos too :laughing:

Had a couple of updates with smileys so all looks ok for now. Oh, except for the message that they had stopped at McDonalds for a rest and food - she hates it and had packed lunch on the coach!

Will find out more later I hope.

I know it will do her good, would have been so easy to say OK don't go then! Looking forward to some amazing art and photographs when I see her :thumbsup:

02-04-2010, 05:19 PM
Its hard, but I am sure she will have a good time, the places they are visiting are fantastic.

I had to get my son on his yr6 trip and he really didn't want to go, thought he would change his mind as the time drew closer, but he didn't! He was okay though and he enjoyed the activities they did, although he said he would rather have been at home, I think he enjoyed himself a bit more than he let on.