View Full Version : Proud Mummy!

30-03-2010, 07:38 PM
Ds is 8 and a half and in year 3.

We've had his parents evening and he is doing really well. He was assessed at 8 yrs and 4 months and for reading and spelling, he came out with 12years and 6 months!
His teacher said that he could, if we wanted move him up another class - he is already in a yr 3/4 class.
We have decided not to as we dont feel his is over mature and he isnt street wise - quite a whimp and we dont really wanted him to be with children much older than him, would rather leave him with his peers.
His teacher this year is fantastic and has been finding extra work for him and making sure he isnt bored.
He is on the gifted and talented register, but she told us that the website for this isnt to recieve any more funding!?

I feel that I cannot tell anyone as I dont want to appear to be boasting. :blush:

But, it does make me feel so happy that I made that right decision to be a childminder and spend the time at home with him - some of it must have paid off (unless it was a fluke!)
A lot of my family have high powered, well paid jobs, children at private school etc - and I feel we are often looked upon as the 'poor relations' for our children not having the latest in everything.

No real point to my post, just wanted to share with someone how proud I am of him! - Lets hope I get good parents evenings next year with my over energetic daughter!!

Rachel x

30-03-2010, 07:43 PM
Congratulations! My dugher's Year 3 SATS last year revealed similar results and I came on here chuffed to bits too - I didn't want to mention it in the school playground as I was worried the Mums would think I was showing off but really we should be able to be overtly proud of our children and celebrate their achievements - whatever those may be.

My sister was moved up a year in Primary school. Then she had to repeat her last year as the secondary school wouldn't take her until the was the right age...... :rolleyes:

30-03-2010, 07:45 PM
its not boasting its expressing how you feel
and so you should feel proudvery proud

well done to you all

x x

30-03-2010, 07:48 PM
Well done to your DS, that is a great achievement! :clapping:

If you are thinking about grammar schooling for secondary level, now is the time to start extra lessons for the entrance exam :eek:

30-03-2010, 08:11 PM
That's scary isnt it Sarah?

I find it quite annoying that extra lessons are needed for entrance exams these days.

'back in my day'!! - when we did the 11+ we did it at primary school and no-one had any tuition for it.

It seems mad, because we know he'd be fine at a Grammar school, but we'll have to pay to prepare him for the exam!?

Thanks for all your kind words - as always,
Rachel x

30-03-2010, 08:15 PM
yeah thats brilliant news:clapping: Well done ds (;) )

The bond books are fab if your not already using any, we have found these great for ds and dd! Dd is showing signs of being well ahead in her reading and spelling, and maths! She keeps picking me up on loads of things:panic:

Be proud, but I do know what you mean about not wanting to say to much in the playground;)

30-03-2010, 08:16 PM
Well done to your ds! I too have been told this about my two children, we are fortunate in that they take after me for brains not their father (he would agree wholeheartedly with this), but I constantly find myself having to be really careful what I say and to whom about them because they are both incredibly lucky to be highly intelligent without really struggling at anything and also both to be very sporting and exceptionally good at football, it is hard without boasting I constantly find myself playing it down or talking about luck etc.

30-03-2010, 08:19 PM
Well done to your son :thumbsup: and no you are not boasting... just a very proud mum and quite right too :)

30-03-2010, 08:21 PM
You are rightly proud :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

If youu want to shout loudly from the rooftops you can do it here :clapping: :clapping:

31-03-2010, 01:24 PM
I would be proud too. Well done to you and him for his achievements. :jump for joy: