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View Full Version : Need to terminate a contract and feel sick :(

24-03-2010, 11:46 AM
Hi ladies

I currently care for Z 37 hours a week and L for 24 hours a week (siblings). He has been given a school that is nowhere near me so I can't pick up. Parents said to me don't turn down any enquiries as they can't see it working out - haven't given me any other idea of what their plans are moving forward.

Anyway to cut a long story I had a enquiry yesterday (first one in 5 months) and they are coming to see me tomorrow (4 year old - every day 7.30- 6.30 some time spent at preschool starts at local school in September) - if they want to sign contracts I will have to terminate the other children as Ofsted won't give me a variation (had a long drawn out conversation with them yesterday and because it is not continuity or a sibling its a no unless I employ an assistant which is pointless given I don't know how long the ones I have will be with me) and to be honest I can't handle all that would need to be done.

I also took on a PA job a few weeks ago as childminding work is non-existent in my area and need to make sure I have some income. The new child would fit in perfectly with that job as well.

From a business point of view it makes perfect sense as its guaranteed money whereas the other contract could frankly end at any time depending on what other childcare they are looking for as we speak.

But I still feel bad - DH doesn't know why as the parents are a nightmare and they would serve notice on me on the drop of a hat if they needed to.


24-03-2010, 11:54 AM
Your DH is right. Take on the new child and don't feel guilty. :)

24-03-2010, 11:58 AM
well the parents have broken the ice really by telling you not to turn down any enquiries. Fingers crossed you get the new child and that everything works out for you. Childminding is so hard as business and emotions get all mixed up together - my husband doesnt get it either.

24-03-2010, 12:12 PM
Hi M,
You feel bad because you are a nice person and you don't want to let anyone down. Its fine though, because as your dh says, you have nothing to feel guilty about. You're just doing what's right for your family and doing your job.
I'd try not to even think about the termination until you have the other family signed on the dotted line. When it comes to it, just do a simple professional 'Due to a change in circumstances I am giving you 4 weeks notice from..., last payment will be £..., on ..., last day of attendance will be.... Its been great, good luck for the future... ' kind of letter.
You can hand it to parents at collection time with a sympathetic look and just say something like 'Hi, Its your 4 weeks notice I'm afraid. Still, we all knew it would come sooner or later. How's your search for new childcare going?. It'll be fine. They're expecting it and you never know they may even get in first. For your own sake you need too put your energy into the future.

good luck with the new contract, hope it works out :)

bws, Wendy

24-03-2010, 12:39 PM
you are doing the right thing well done don't feel bad :D

24-03-2010, 12:55 PM
Sounds like parents understand already and will be expecting it. I would try not to worry I would be giving notice in your shoes.

The Juggler
24-03-2010, 02:09 PM
well the parents have broken the ice really by telling you not to turn down any enquiries. Fingers crossed you get the new child and that everything works out for you. Childminding is so hard as business and emotions get all mixed up together - my husband doesnt get it either.

I agree, they have basically said they will be terminating shortly and not to turn away enquiries. Don't feel guilty hon. I know it would have been nice if the timings had worked out with them leaving/new mindee starting but it rarely works that way.
