View Full Version : showing parents round 1st visit

23-03-2010, 01:50 PM
Hi im newly registered and still struggling getting any children....can anyone give me some advise on showing parents round and what to say when they come to visit? I think this maybe were im going wrong?!

Carol M
23-03-2010, 02:55 PM
I would say.... be prepared.
Use info got from parents to plan your viewing eg age of child/children.....
get out toys suitable if kids comin too.
I have an info booklet ready for them to take home with them
I have photo file,training certs file and references file and policy pack out for them to view.
I like to do first visit without minded children present so I can give full attention to them, second and third visits can then be arranged if wanted.
Take notes eg hrs/days required
Show reg cert, insurance cert,crb,and first aid cert
Ask parents what they are looking for and respond accordingly
Talk about what you do, EYFS etc
Show premisis and point out things that may make you stand out from others
eg huge garden with play area( I don't have this but tell them about all the parks,play areas,forest,fields etcetc we visit)
My alarm system has impressed some so I always mention it.
You can then guage how it's gone and if YOU LIKE THEM you can take it further.
Hope this helps some
Good Luck
Carol x

23-03-2010, 03:42 PM
I greet them at the door and give them a quick tour of the rooms used for minding. Then I sit them down and give them my prospectus, which pretty much covers everything, fro them to browse while i make coffee. Then I sit on floor and play with child while we chat. Parents often full of questions and soon it becomes relaxed and less formal.

Good luck, just be yourself, you come across as a lovely careing person on your post.

23-03-2010, 04:56 PM
It may be nothing you are doing wrong, getting the first child i think is the hardest, it is almost as if once one parent has let you have their child then others are more settled to!

I also think they oddly seem to be like buses you get none for ages and then three come a long at once, hopefully just try and relax, dont be something you are not and you will then meet a family where it all fits in place.

23-03-2010, 05:00 PM
try not to scare them off with lots of paperwork!(their plenty time for that once they've signed up:laughing: :laughing: i give them an "about me" with my contact details and about me and my family, my rates!, toddler groups we may attend and daily routine. i find out about child s daily routine and what hours they require.I also find out if they've been left with anyone before. Answer any questions some ask more than others!! the ones that ask loads i get my policy book out for them to have a flick through i also have shown them one of my mindees learning journal and daily diary (with parents permission ) to give them an idea of what i would be doing. I haven't had anybody not coming to me YET but i'm dreading the first "thanks but no thanks" call :eek: :eek: . I find the whole process totally nerve wracking :pani :panic:

finally make sure you get down on the floor and play (my favorite part of any interview)

oh and get some nice biscuits in!!!

good luck i do sympathise scary business:D :D

23-03-2010, 05:01 PM
i do pretty much what jelly does. youre probably doing nothing wrong at all - have you had many visits? It is more likely to be because you have no other mindees - but that is exactly what some parents are looking for so keep going!

27-03-2010, 09:17 PM
Thanks for your advise everyone, visit was cancelled and they are coming monday now so still a little nervous!!
Hopefully with all your tips i will get my 1st child :)

28-03-2010, 07:32 AM
If it helps it doesn't seem to get any easier, this is my fourth parent meeting and I still read your post to see if anyone could offer any tips as I haven't done one for a year! Good luck and I hope it's positive :)

28-03-2010, 08:02 AM
Good luck tomorrow!!!

I know how you feel, I start tomorrow - yikes

Let us know how you get on!

Natalie xx

01-04-2010, 08:49 PM
Visit went well she was with me for over and hour!! Had a good chat....only confussing thing was on the phone she said her son was Ben and when she came he was called Joshua!!

02-04-2010, 08:46 AM
How weird is that ! unless she has another son and got mixed up. I know I'm always getting my son's names mixed up :)