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View Full Version : What are your plans for the week ahead?

22-03-2010, 09:44 PM
Meant to ask this last night, better late than never!

So, I'm not childminding yet so just have my girls, who are 18m and 3yr to amuse. Today has been a long day, weather was horrid and they hate being stuck in. But we made banana cake and ate quite a bit too :) played with musical instruments and the older one done some sticking.

Tmrw we've got toddlers, and are making pigs to go on our farm/spring pic we've been working on (done sheep and chickens already). Then thinking of soft play later in the week, some more baking, messy play of some sorts one day and hopefully less rain so we can get outside lots!

So, what are your plans? And does anyone have any suggestions of activities for my 18m old, she still loves to eat everything and has a very short concentration span, am finding it hard to keep her amused!