View Full Version : 6.22am

21-03-2010, 09:15 AM
its sunday and i was up at 6.30am, so use to getting up at this time in the week im starting to wake at this time at weekends, anyone do this?... anyway was foggy this morning but ive watched it change looks like its goin to be a nice day.. already done 3 loads of washing, checked my potatoes still no sign of them like waiting for paint to dry.... cleaned the kitchen had a shower, now sitting looking around on here ... then off shopping in a bit see what i can find today... Hubby and son ar work........

21-03-2010, 09:51 AM
Too early!! :panic:

Enjoy your day :D

sue m
21-03-2010, 09:59 AM
Beat you! :D I was up at 6am. I wake up really early every day and I only work Mondays and Tuesdays! :eek: I've been away for 3 days so got quite a bit to do today, already done the washing. I bought new cushions and curtains and pictures and candles and............when I was away so sorting all that out today. It'll be like living in a new house! :rolleyes:

21-03-2010, 10:29 AM
yes i am up at 6:57 every day regardless of whether i am working or not but yesterday i didn't quite get there and woke up at 5:15 (eeek)
it's good to get up early to get jobs done but i am in bed by 10 to make up for it

21-03-2010, 11:05 AM
Im the same !!!

I get up at 7 in the week and at 7 at on the weekends , dont need an alarm have the kids :)

It's a small world
21-03-2010, 11:18 AM
Sorry I WIN Im up between 5.30-6.00 every morning. Ds(2) doesn't believe in lie ins . Ds(6) was the same
until he turned 5 and we were up with him 2-3 times in the night luckily youngest sleeps through but still wakes early. Oh I'm so looking forward to getting a lie in ( yeah in like 5years lol)

21-03-2010, 12:10 PM
5.35 was my wake up time this morning. It can be anywhere between 5am- 6am with Rose.

21-03-2010, 02:12 PM
Yep, thats pretty usual here as well! DD woke up at 3am this morning but I ignored her and I think she went back to sleep for a while but at 5am was wide awake so we got up then. I'm very, very tired now!! I usually get up about 6.30am but hate it still! I miss my days of being able to get up at midday!

21-03-2010, 02:19 PM
I wake up at normal getting up time at weekends too, but go back to sleep once I realise its the weekend!