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View Full Version : jane powertwin help needed

15-03-2010, 01:38 PM
i used my pram last week and i thought it was veering to one side but then thought maybe is just the sloping pavement i was on that was causing it!

This morn i took my 2 LO's out for a walk along with a friend who has the same pram and mine was DEF veering to the right as when i pushed hers it was fine and she found mine hard work.

anyone else had this prob? and any ideas how i can fix it please.

15-03-2010, 01:39 PM
I had it with mine, I removed the front wheel and then put it back on again and it stopped, are both back wheels pumped up the same amount too?

15-03-2010, 03:24 PM
I was going to say check the tyre pressure too. You may have a slow puncture without it being obvious.

15-03-2010, 04:08 PM
I was going to say check the tyre pressure too. You may have a slow puncture without it being obvious.

yep i did:blush: just been up to the bike shop and had it fixed as it was almost flat, stupid me should have thought of that! lol. havnt tried it on the pram yet so hoping that was the problem.