View Full Version : the ways of a man....

14-03-2010, 12:45 PM
..... we just bought my DS a mcdonalds milkshake and he decided to ditch the straw and drink it normally - he was trying to decide where to put the straw, i told him to put it in the bin which was a walk across the living room and into the kitchen - during this process some of the milkshake melted in the straw and dripped out...

my DH told my DS to..........

'wipe it up with your sock and then wipe your sock on your trousers'. :panic: :rolleyes: apparently its what men do :huh:

on the other hand watching a 3 year old trying to wipe the bottom of his sock on the other trouser leg is quite funny! :D

14-03-2010, 01:06 PM
lol that sounds like a man thing bet he doesnt do the washing either, hope your having a good mothers day:laughing:

14-03-2010, 01:08 PM
classic, I love it!:laughing:

14-03-2010, 01:59 PM
Oh noooo, in our house my dh would be shouting 'get a cloth, get a cloth' whereas I would probably run my sock over it and then put my sock in the wash!:blush:

14-03-2010, 06:07 PM
How funny :laughing: