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View Full Version : kids and the garden

14-03-2010, 11:51 AM
how do you encourage your mindess especially the schoolies to get outside in the nicer weather, we now have our back garden complted:clapping: , and i am going to put stuff out there i know they like to play with but i just know that they wont want to go out there.
do you just make them go out there
do you encourage them out there
or do you just leave it up to them?
and if you want to go out in the garden to do somthing or other children are out there playing do you allow them to stay indoors or do you say they have to come out,, i can see the living room from my garden and obviously hear them.
I cant honestly remember how i did it last year:blush:

oh and do you have a swing ball or is this just a risk assment nightmare!! string round neck, black eyes from one child hitting the ball to hard and the other stepping in to it etc etc

Lady Haha
14-03-2010, 01:02 PM
I leave it up my mindees if they want to go out or not. When the weather is nice, the patio doors are left wide open the whole time they are here. In not so good weather, they know to knock on the patio door and I will let them back in! I think it also depends on the ages of mindees whether you are out there as well!

I have all schoolies, so I don't go out with them, but like you I can see the whole garden from patio doors and kitchen window (my spying place lol)

With the age group I have, they are left to go where they like and do what they like really! I'm just a constant fixture in the background if they need me for something!

edited cos I forgot about swingball bit! I have never had swingball, even before childminding as like you said, the risks are too great!!! I'm a big worrier anyway though!

14-03-2010, 01:13 PM
i have the opposite problem at moment my lo all what to be out side all day so i have to be there to and its cold at times there ok running around. i would maybe put things out and say lets play out and hopefully they all will but its up to them, but if you can see them its ok if some are in and others out, i do agree with swingball thats more of a risk so i wouldnt have one but if you have older ones its ok if you supervise.:)

The Juggler
14-03-2010, 01:14 PM
i lock and bolt my front door so older ones can stay in if they want (and can't get out). after school it's usually me in kitchen, children in living room, in garden and some with me drawing/gluing. So, I'm kind of in the middle.

Usually the older ones stay in as they are shattered but in the more sunny months an ice-pop (only to be eaten in garden) usually encourages them out then once out they tend to stay out.

14-03-2010, 01:52 PM
my lot love it outside, we have a very small back garden, have a big freestanding basketball hoop, and they all want to go out to have a kick about with a ball, so we will sometimes keep the little ones in so that they can be more free to run around outside, the little ones spend a lot of time outside in the daytime, so we will sometimes keep them and let them watch out of the conservatory windows.

We have a lot of water play, cricket type games, target ball and chalking etc, these things seem to be enough for them to want to go outside.

Sometimes that get a bit boisterous with the football and i wish they would come back in.

We are very lucky that our house is laid out so that from virtually anywhere downstairs you can see, so if we sit at the dining room table we can see the living room, kitchen, conservatory and garden, so it means that the coming and going and even hearing the bathroom upstairs can be done without us running around like nutters!

14-03-2010, 03:23 PM
I find here that the boys want to be outside dashing around like maniacs and the girls stand at the door huddled together like maggots in a tin :laughing:

I have been much better resourced outside for the last few years and I have an all weather awning which does help.

My problem is that they are too small to be left in the house - although after school I have my partner here so I can let some stay in and some go out.

Hth :D

14-03-2010, 03:51 PM
I find here that the boys want to be outside dashing around like maniacs and the girls stand at the door huddled together like maggots in a tin :laughing:

I have been much better resourced outside for the last few years and I have an all weather awning which does help.

My problem is that they are too small to be left in the house - although after school I have my partner here so I can let some stay in and some go out.

Hth :D

now thats interesting cause i find that the girls want to play outside and the boys dont!
and you reminded me how i manged last year,, my partner is reg as my assisitant and working nights he would be out of bed around 2pm so would watch them outside whilst i was inside, thing is he is now thinking of going back to work on the building sites so wont be around to help me this year:eek:

Chimps Childminding
14-03-2010, 04:08 PM
June and I have the opposite problem, we can't get them to come back in when we have got cold :laughing: More than once we have been sat on the decking wrapped in blankets while the lo's run round like lunatics lovely and warm!!!!!:D And yes I know if I ran around with them I would be warm, but I would also be in danger of having a heart attack :D

15-03-2010, 07:41 AM
My kids go in and out whenever they please. We have permanent open garden policy - and a really good carpet cleaner!
They don't have to wait for good weather, as soon as they are able to independently put on their shoes and coat they just come in and out as they chose. We have a huge patio window/door in the lounge so I can see both in and out whenever all the kids aren't together - but mine are all followers and want to be doing whatever my son is, and be wherever my son is (for the little ones at least)
The big kids just do their own thing, in or out - or in and out so fast they seem to be both in and out at the same time!

15-03-2010, 07:49 AM
June and I have the opposite problem, we can't get them to come back in when we have got cold :laughing: More than once we have been sat on the decking wrapped in blankets while the lo's run round like lunatics lovely and warm!!!!!:D And yes I know if I ran around with them I would be warm, but I would also be in danger of having a heart attack :D

That made me laugh - I have the same problem. I can't even sneak back inside for a warm without someone spotting me!

Miffy xx

15-03-2010, 07:58 AM
I only have after school children but they all love being outside. I dont stay out with them although I can see them from the house. We have a climbing frame, slide, swingball and basketball net. I haven't had to fill an accident form for the garden for over 4 years!!!!!!!!!!