View Full Version : I want to shed the lbs !!!

12-03-2010, 05:14 PM
Any advice tips/tricks plllleeeaaassseee !!!

i know there is the obvious /healthy eating exercise .......im feeling abit down about it at the mo what can i do ??

no get up and go in me maybe this is due to the weight i dunno fed up

12-03-2010, 05:27 PM
Me too! I posted about this on the 'fatties of the forum'. Ive no motivation at all!! Im selling my pram to buy a wii fit so hope that will help.
Ive 2 stone to lose :o
Have you tried WW or SW?

12-03-2010, 06:18 PM
Hya i have a wii fit !!! Myab im just lazy

I have done ww and it works alothough i get bored after a few weeks and stop ............i need more willpower i think !!

12-03-2010, 06:23 PM
join the club funfunfun thats makes almost all of us.:laughing:

13-03-2010, 05:08 PM
Beccas your a skinny minny you !!!!

13-03-2010, 06:37 PM
OH my god, please don't get me on the subject of loosing weight!!!!!
I've hit 50 and am too fat!! after saying all my life " I will not be fat and 50" huh 14 stone now (5ft 5) far too heavy.
Well i learnt from a friend, who constantly battles with weight. 5 grams of fat is the top line, dont go over.
When hubby and i go shopping, we spend hours looking on the backs of the packageing, to check the grams of fat!
Interestingly, ww food can be over 5 grams.
I prefer to eat fresh and not prepacked.
But, i have to say, excercise is the key to successful weight loss.
You need to put as much thought and effort into excercise as well as a low fat diet!!
It's true, the older you get the harder it is to shift.
My advice to youngsters....stay low fat, and walk when you can, leave the car behind!
I've bought an excercise bike, to replace my old real bike. i live in the middle of town and don't enjoy the cycling in and out of traffic!
Again, it's hard to discipline my self to stop what i'm doing and get on it!!
But i'm on a mission!!!

julie w
13-03-2010, 06:50 PM
Me too. I'm so desperate it's really getting me down. :crying:

13-03-2010, 06:53 PM
want to borrow my specs lovey skinny i am not

13-03-2010, 07:26 PM
Right... Lets do it!!!!!

Starting Monday, we could all start healthy eating excercise and motivate eachother to reach our goals.
My goal is .. Lose 1 stone by 1st May (Cousins wedding)

Who wants to join me?

13-03-2010, 07:48 PM
Right... Lets do it!!!!!

Starting Monday, we could all start healthy eating excercise and motivate eachother to reach our goals.
My goal is .. Lose 1 stone by 1st May (Cousins wedding)

Who wants to join me?


I would like to lose at least a stone by May half term when I go to my dads.

I am going to follow my friends example and do jogging on the Wii Fit. She has been doing WW and jogging on the Wii and has lost 16lbs since the beginning of the year!!:clapping:

I can find 30 mins in my day somewhere.

I can do the healthy eating but need to really up my exercise levels.

13-03-2010, 08:14 PM
lol beccas ( i dont no what your talking about) im 2 of you :)

Im only 5ft 2 and i have a bit to loose (lot's) im 26 , 27 this year

iv decided i need to cut out the foods not totally but less of the bad more of the good

and exercise currentlly doing none so i need to so some

30 mins should be enuf to start with shouldnt it ( a day)

Im going to a friends hen wknd in october a while away but its fancy dress ;-/

i want to definatlly loose weight for then so i can wear a dress which i never wwould (70's style)

13-03-2010, 08:17 PM
well when you start minding you could go for a walk every day with a buggy.

i keep saying when weather gets better going to walk on racecourse near me its ok and runs wath to swinton.

13-03-2010, 08:22 PM
I will be walking lots ( i dont think i will use the car )unless its NEEDED !!

im sure the kids will keep me busy and i can say i used to walk everywhere until i met partner (with car)

not his fault of corse :) (he he )

13-03-2010, 10:56 PM
All I can say is, set yourselves a target, mine this time last year was to get fit to run the race for life!

I did it, and have now lost 3 stone!

signed up for this years too, so will continue with the running (well jogging cos I dont go that fast!).

Jogging is great, at first it was hard and was more walking, but soon builds up and I feel soooooooo much better in myself, I have motivation which had got up and left me! I feel years younger...........which can't be bad!

I didnt do weight watchers or any other diet scheme, just cut out the snacking and ate breakfast (cereal) and sandwich at lunchtime and then tea (meat with veg, or fish and veg). I even had the odd choccie bar when I wanted it, couldnt ever imagine not having choccie!

let me tell you, if I can do it, you all can!

and the best bit was, comments from people very quickly saying oh you look good!

14-03-2010, 07:24 AM
All I can say is, set yourselves a target, mine this time last year was to get fit to run the race for life!

I did it, and have now lost 3 stone!

signed up for this years too, so will continue with the running (well jogging cos I dont go that fast!).

Jogging is great, at first it was hard and was more walking, but soon builds up and I feel soooooooo much better in myself, I have motivation which had got up and left me! I feel years younger...........which can't be bad!

I didnt do weight watchers or any other diet scheme, just cut out the snacking and ate breakfast (cereal) and sandwich at lunchtime and then tea (meat with veg, or fish and veg). I even had the odd choccie bar when I wanted it, couldnt ever imagine not having choccie!

let me tell you, if I can do it, you all can!

and the best bit was, comments from people very quickly saying oh you look good!

Right, that's it.
Your post has motivated me to do something in time for our holiday. I've been SW food optimising, but I don't move enough. Starting from today I am going to run to the nextdoor farm and back, then build up to the farm after that etc. Thank you.

14-03-2010, 07:30 AM

congrats to you looseing 3 stone thats fantastic
(i need to loose more for my age height)

Im going to exercise and eat more healthy......see how that goes

Thankyou !!!!!!!!

15-03-2010, 04:23 PM
please could I join you ladies. Ive have two stone to lose after I had my baby.... well his 18month now. lol so im need to get started! Ive stopped smoking in the past so surely ill be able to manage it! i just cant so NO!!!

I have wii fit too and just dance thats good! just need to get it out!!

15-03-2010, 04:29 PM
:blush: :blush: please can i join you but youl have to be firm with me ive no motivation at mo started well then gone to pot and need lose lots please:)

15-03-2010, 04:51 PM
Come and join us in the fatties club :D i've just done 45 mins on the wii, now i cant feel my toes :laughing:

15-03-2010, 05:39 PM
I agree with the others, you need to have a target. I started dieting at the end of 2008 with a view to getting to goal by July 09 for my 10th wedding anniversary. I lost 34lbs which is about half of what I needed to lose :o . Since then though life has been a bit mad and I started to over-eat again:( but now I have incentive. My friend has cancer :( and needs to raise money for specialist treatment so I'm doing a sponsored slim to raise money and awareness. I've rediscovered my mojo and have lost half a stone this month :clapping: . Before I had this target I had completely lost my way.

I hope you can start to lose weight and feel better soon. I know losing weight makes a world of difference to my attitude about everything. I'm still about 3 stone overweight :o

Good luck!