View Full Version : Planning

08-03-2010, 12:41 PM
Hi, just a quick one about planning, when do you all do it at the start of each month or a yearly over view (if that makes sence)?

08-03-2010, 01:08 PM
I have a 2 yearly rolling plan on that i then have a monthly plan which includes any special dates etc plus anything we will be doing, then i have a weekly plan wich i do at beginning of each week, sometimes month if i know whats happening.

for example

January Transport week1 look at cars/lorries etc
week2 make box model vehciles
week3 maybe go on a bus or a train/tram
week4 find books on various different forms of transport throgh the years.

And then during each week i would plan an activity or 2 around this topic.

hope this helps