View Full Version : this is so funny, this happened this morning, lol lol lol xx

02-03-2010, 09:39 AM
I feel like a right narna, had to share.....lol......

My cat whos 7 months startng acting oddly and was purring and putting her head on the floor and bum in the air whilst kneading the floor with her back legs, wouldnt settle and seemed very affectionate to me and others, she was dropping on the floor and purring in a wierd noise and being really odd, anyway i researched the net thinking that she was in labour although her tummy wasnt big it was hard and two of her nipples had a sac underneath which felt hard too... SO I RANG THE VET THIS MORNING and she is CALLING for males:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: the odd behaviour is because she is coming into season and needs mating and we throught she was having them:blush: :blush: :blush: so embasrring (sp?) but couldnt stop laughing when we put the phone down so no kittens she just needs to go and see a male... we put her outside and she carried on calling and searched the garden everywhere for the male tom whos been hanging around for the last few months.....

Oh what a day , lol, lol, ,lol

had to share to give you all a giggle xxx

02-03-2010, 09:42 AM
Is'nt it best to keep them inside while in season to avoid yet more kittens?

02-03-2010, 09:47 AM
yeah but we want her to have the first litter then we are going to get her done, i personally find that if you let them have the first litter they seem to chill better and its better for the cat later in life.....well thats what the vet told me....


02-03-2010, 09:53 AM
yeah but we want her to have the first litter then we are going to get her done, i personally find that if you let them have the first litter they seem to chill better and its better for the cat later in life.....well thats what the vet told me....


i was told this :thumbsup:

how funny though bless :D

02-03-2010, 10:11 AM
lol bless.

we have 2 male cats and pringle or aka fatty as we call him- (he is bout 6mths-1year younger than our other cat (p'nut), has a big belly compared to p'nut lol) he purs while rubbing up your leg or if your my fella he stretch up the back of his legs and then try climbing - we dont know why he does this but it so funny to watch

02-03-2010, 10:19 AM
lol that is funny!

02-03-2010, 11:29 AM
When my cat came into season the first time she acted as yours, but only to my DH, like she knew he was male, I thought it was so funny but DH was really freaked out :laughing: . She soon went to the vets though, poor thing.

02-03-2010, 12:47 PM
little tart! :laughing: :laughing:

02-03-2010, 12:49 PM
Soon as I started reading your post, I knew what was happening! :laughing: I've bene through it with my 2 females. First kitty finally, in desperation, leapt from the top floor of the house and when I ran after her, I cauight her in the act with the neighbours tom! :blush: :panic: Anyway, we had 3 lovely kittens from it (and then Mummy cat was fixed)and now the little female we kept is growing up and sarting to go into heat so we have scheduled her visit to the chop shop. I've had lots of cats and I don't think having a litter or not makes a difference to their personalities at all.

Although I am sorely tempted to wait and let her breed as she is gorgeous with solid white, long hair and one blue, one green eye.

Until your kitty is old enough to breed (at least 12 months old), she'll drive you nuts! She'll cycle in and out of heat every 2 weeks or so continuously until she is fixed or knocked up. It is the most annoying thing ever.