View Full Version : what to charge? help?

01-03-2010, 05:50 PM
I have a mum coming tomorrow to visit, she is great but have no idea what to charge her.
She has 3 children so here is what she wants me to do.....
Monday to wed.............1 mindee 6 months, 1 mindee 2, 1 aged 4 for before and after school.
My day rate is £36 and before and after school i can add on so thats easy. Do i charge a straight £72 and then the bfeore and after school ontop? Or do I 'do her a deal'? as she has 3 with me????
would be grateful of some advice

01-03-2010, 06:00 PM
you could see if she pulls a face and then offer a deal.... tell her the rate for all three every day, and offer on that if you want but in my experience in later meetings i don't have to offer.. they are happy to pay my rates for what they are getting. You could underline all the things you offer for that money (whatever they are!) as you tell her so she gets a reminder of what's included!! Round my way, minders with space for two under twos are like gold dust so they wouldn't need to compromise price!


01-03-2010, 07:39 PM
I only offer a reduced rate for full time places only. It is difficult to fill the other days and you could get a phone call later for a full time placement