View Full Version : Poss ban on sexy videos before watershed

26-02-2010, 01:05 PM
I just read this


and I am so relieved that I am not the only one who finds music videos unacceptable for children to watch!

I have always wanted to have music channels on during the day but don't feel able to because I don't want my son (4 years old) to see half naked women frolicking around, gyrating and licking their lips, etc.

I thought I was being a bit old fashioned and over-protective but I'm glad to see that I'm not!

26-02-2010, 01:10 PM

They make me sick!

I love music tv, and often flick through on a friday/saturday evening - but have to keep on flicking as all I see are women in underwear girating there bits all over!!

I think they should ban them all together:D

26-02-2010, 01:12 PM
i love the songs but not the videos :panic:

but then again some of the songs are a bit OTT too

have you heard rihanna's new song???
i do like it as an adult but thinks it's a bit extreme tho and cringe when my teenager sings along to it :blush:

26-02-2010, 01:42 PM
i think if they do that they should also ban adverts for 15/18 rated films before the watershed - or better still altogether. my son gets terrified at adverts that are subtly suggesting horror films without showing any gore - imo i would rather see naked women than a woman being dragged under her own bed with a look of terror on her face - which was shown at 10am on ITV a few months ago! I nearly wet myself so imagine how a kid who is still scared of under the bed felt! :eek: :angry: :panic:

Curly Quavers
26-02-2010, 02:27 PM
I am the same I like the music on all day while working but the videos are too much. I put on Radio 1 sky chn 0101 we can listen to music and dance but not see the smut. A fav of mine and all the kids here just now is Lady Gaga we turn it up loud but have you seen the video :eek: