View Full Version : before and after school and school holidays

22-02-2010, 02:19 PM
When half term and dont need me due to class room assistance I charge half fee but ive got someone saying she will be working some days in the school holidays. So when she works I will charge the going rate. but the days she doesnt work in that week do I charge half the school rate.. What do people charge,



22-02-2010, 02:26 PM
i would charge half fee if not needed on contracted days in hols, on days not contracted for i wouldnt charge. it depends what you have on your contract.

22-02-2010, 02:33 PM
Just writing up contracts she has asked how much a week in school holidays would it be as she has to tell child credit then she is working it out with school rate then holiday rate but said she will work in holidays but I dont think she will be working every day I wonder if she is telling them she will be. Do I charge half rate school charges or holiday charges which is more a day
when she doesnt work?
if you can understand what im saying.



22-02-2010, 03:31 PM
Has she said what days or how many she will be working? If she doent know then id prob charge half fee for holding the space then normal fee when she needs you but you need to know in advance

The Juggler
22-02-2010, 04:39 PM
I think either she needs you during school holidays or she doesn't. If she needs you, then you charge a retainer whether she uses the days or not. If she doesn't need you very often and you're happy to work term-time only then put her on term-time only contract and charge her when she needs you.

But, if it becomes more often than not, I'd switch to all year round and charge the retainer.

22-02-2010, 09:23 PM
what I dont like is she has asked how much it would be for a week in school holidays which works out at £170 To tell tax credit. Is she telling them she is doing a week work and say she will only do 2 days and pocket the rest compered to £115 for school time. say she does do 3 days in holidays the two days she doesnt work do I charge half school rate or holiday rate. HELP need to know what you would charge.



The Juggler
22-02-2010, 10:47 PM
I would tell her it's illegal to do that:eek: that if she wants to send her child it's xxxx per week, if she wants to contract for that, it'll cost her x amount. If she doesn't you are not prepared to risk your business by lying to tax credits (she doesn't need to know that they won't contact you!)

23-02-2010, 07:37 AM
I think you need to have another chat with her and see just what she wants to work. If she wants you to be available all week then you need to charge accordingly - whether you decide that's full charge or only full charge the days she works and half retainer for the others is up to you.

She might not be on the fiddle at all - I think tax credits allow you to average things out when you work different hours in term-time to holidays.

Miffy xx

23-02-2010, 07:39 AM
I don't charge for school hols for the teachers children I care for and use adhoc in the holidays as I would rather have the break than the money.

01-03-2010, 07:35 PM
i only work term time and don't charge for school hols but I occassionally offer odd days each week and parents can take up that offer if wished. They would then just pay the daily rate.
If you do work the hols as I once did and the parent isn't sure which days she wants I would just charge for the full place. SHE CAN'T HAVE HER CAKE AND EAT IT.

02-03-2010, 02:47 PM
one of my parents is a teacher, we have agreed she will bring them 2 days a week during summer hols (2 months here in northern ireland) and will pay half fee for other 3 days. Other minders in this area do the same and she was quite happy about it