View Full Version : observations arrrggg!!

Dippy bird
17-02-2010, 05:34 PM
I am rubbish at them!!!
What can I do say about the following

I took my LO to wheelock hall yesterday to see the animals, she enjoyed feeding them,and had a sit on a tractor. On our way home,I thought I'd take her to the pet shop to look at different types of animal, she absolutely loved the gold fish and was in fits of giggles.
What do I write as an obv?? I have no idea -also what about next steps? I thought maybe I would get her to paint a piccy of the animals?? Helpppppp pleaseeeee!

17-02-2010, 05:38 PM
You have just written your obs!

Write what you've put in the post...

It links all over the place - KUW - finding out about animals; PSED - caring for animals; CLL - talking about animals...

Next steps yes painting the animals if she likes painting, modelling them in playdough if she likes modelling, making their food with the play kitchen since she likes playing there...

Go with what she likes first, then how you think you can extend her interests :D

Dippy bird
17-02-2010, 05:39 PM
you are my hero!!!!!

17-02-2010, 05:41 PM
Identification of animals aaand their names - CLL
Sitting on the tractor - confidence building and physical development - did she climb on to it???
You don't say how old she is.

Seeing the other animals in the petshop - understanding that their are lots of different ones KUW

Next steps - drawing yes, talking about the noises animals make. The difference between domestic and wild animals - all depends on the age really.

Dippy bird
17-02-2010, 06:34 PM
she's almost 3.