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16-02-2010, 09:19 AM
whilst talking nappies, on average how many nappy changes in a days minding?

I have a new mindee 15 mth, who's parent insist on 5-6 nappy changes a day, if I have not used all the nappies in the bag they tell me off.

personally I feel it is a waste, but they are paranoid about her getting a nappy rash, he bottom is lovely, not a speckle on it, she is changed as soon as she soils or is very wet (she is not a big drinker)
so to 3 changes are the usual, although I have a boy who only needs 2 changes.

16-02-2010, 09:22 AM
whilst talking nappies, on average how many nappy changes in a days minding?

I have a new mindee 15 mth, who's parent insist on 5-6 nappy changes a day, if I have not used all the nappies in the bag they tell me off.

personally I feel it is a waste, but they are paranoid about her getting a nappy rash, he bottom is lovely, not a speckle on it, she is changed as soon as she soils or is very wet (she is not a big drinker)
so to 3 changes are the usual, although I have a boy who only needs 2 changes.

my mindee is 14 months i change him4 times a day,

16-02-2010, 09:22 AM
i take all nappies out the bags in the morning and put them in a drawer that way if i use less i don't need to justify it and if they have a 'bad' day i don't run out:thumbsup:

16-02-2010, 09:24 AM
i change them as and when needed really, its usually lunchtime and just before going home time, but the 2 little girls i have at the mo get very wet so i tend to change them mid morning, after lunch and then just before they go home, and of course in between if theyv done a smelly one!

16-02-2010, 09:28 AM
parents give me a whole bag of nappies and i say when i need more. no questions, they trust my judgement.

between 2 and 4 a day

16-02-2010, 11:39 AM
What do you mean "they tell you off?" you are not their domestic servant:mad: If you are having this child all day,say 8-6 they are wanting you to interrupt activities to change every one and a half to two hours?? What about the other childrens needs, going to groups or naps?

I change most babies 3-4 times daily but advise parents to send in 5 nappies just in case of tummy upsets etc - I also from that amount manage to keep a couple of nappies in my own bag for trips out.

I would speak to parents and reassure them you will check nappy frequently (you could write this in book) and change AS REQUIRED i.e. 3+ daily.

It might be worth noting that frequent wiping with most wet wipes is not good for skin either as they often contain alcohol or preservatives.

16-02-2010, 11:44 AM
i take all nappies out the bags in the morning and put them in a drawer that way if i use less i don't need to justify it and if they have a 'bad' day i don't run out:thumbsup:

I do the same as I got "told off" one day by the mother for not changing her son often enough. I found that he (aged 2 1/2 years) could be completely dry until after his lunch and by that stage he had been with me 6 hours!! I usually would have only changed him then or if he had been dirty earlier and once again before left me in the evening.

I also have twin boys aged nearly 2 and I would change them 3 times a day normally but an extra time if they do have a dirty nappy between changes. They are with me 10 hours in the day.

16-02-2010, 12:10 PM
For a child with me 9am to 3pm, I usually do a change at about 11.30am and then another when they wake up from their sleep at 2.30, can be more if they dirty their nappy.

green puppy
16-02-2010, 01:40 PM
Minimum of 4 in a 10 hour day, obviously more if needed.

16-02-2010, 02:23 PM
For my little ones that come 8.30 to 3.30 they are usually only changed at lunchtime and any extra soiled ones, they are two and half and don't wet that much but a child 8-6 I would change around three times.

16-02-2010, 02:41 PM
parents give me a whole bag of nappies and i say when i need more. no questions, they trust my judgement.

between 2 and 4 a day

Same here!!

One of mine drinks a lot, so is wet a lot. One hardly drinks so is usually dry.

They are all different and every child can have a different day of being wet and/or soiled - no 2 days are going to be the same in regards to how many times they need changing.

16-02-2010, 05:31 PM
I change toddlers 3 times a day, around 11 am again after nap or quite time and once more before hometime. More if they are dirty though.

16-02-2010, 06:14 PM
I have a 16m old myself and currently change her first thing when we get up, before her nap which is usually about 1pm and then bedtime, so about 7pm. Obviously if she is dirty she gets changed straight away, which usually happens just as I'm trying to get dinner organised about 5ish lol. Both her and my older little girl when she was young were prone to nappy rash but it only seemed to happen if they had pooed and I didn't realise and change them straight away. Reading back that doesn't seem like a lot of changes but I think she does most of her weeing at night!

16-02-2010, 06:42 PM
It might be worth noting that frequent wiping with most wet wipes is not good for skin either as they often contain alcohol or preservatives.

This would be my point exactly !

16-02-2010, 07:43 PM
The number of times I change a mindees nappies depends on the contents of said nappy. They obviously get changed staight away if they have a dirty one. If they only have a wet nappy I change it either before or after their afternoon nap depending on how full it is IYSWIM.
This might not seem very often but remember most children manage to go the full night (10 hours ish) with just the one nappy on.
The younger the child the more often I find you need to change their nappy because they tend to produce more dirty ones.
If they are in real nappies then they get changed much more frequently, but again based on the individual child's 'production'.

16-02-2010, 07:58 PM
Blimey...going off my little 4 mths old today lol he has had 6 poo's!!! :eek: and 2 nappies full of wee which is not normal for him but I guess he has had a bit of a clear out oday...kept me busy anyway. I usually do 4 - 5 changes a day on average for each child.

16-02-2010, 09:18 PM
I change them when needed not at a particular time but probably about 4 times between 9am and 5pm.