View Full Version : Wicked are the other books

14-02-2010, 01:50 PM
any good. Poised to buy them on amazon but some of the reviews aren't that good so opinions please :)

14-02-2010, 02:16 PM
I read the first one after suggestions by someone on here.

It was ok but I wouldn't rave about it... I would rather read a bit of real escapism.

I am re-reading the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon at the moment and really enjoying that! :D

14-02-2010, 02:18 PM
Just can't get in to 'Wicked' :panic:

Sarah I've looked at the series. You say you are re-reading them so I'm guessing they're good :cool: Something about time travelling ??

14-02-2010, 02:24 PM
Whats the first book in the series called Sarah?

Dont think there are any vampires, witches in it though Twinkles :)

14-02-2010, 02:25 PM
Just can't get in to 'Wicked' :panic:

Sarah I've looked at the series. You say you are re-reading them so I'm guessing they're good :cool: Something about time travelling ??

Yes but not in a weird or strange time travelling way.


A woman goes through some ancient stones back 200 years in time.

She meets a man and through circumstances she marries him (meaning she is committing bigamy but it makes sense when you read it).

She goes back through the stones later to the present day (it's set just after the 2nd WW in Scotland).

As the series continues you learn a lot about history and culture from the 1700s as it moves to America, which I find fascinating.

The first one is 'Cross Stitch' or titled Outlander in the US... give it a go! :D

14-02-2010, 02:31 PM
Whats the first book in the series called Sarah?

Dont think there are any vampires, witches in it though Twinkles :)

Wot ?? No smexy vamps or kickass witches :panic: :panic:

14-02-2010, 02:32 PM
Well the locals think she's a bit of a witch!

It's Cross Stitch in UK and Outlander in USA - same novel different front page :D

14-02-2010, 02:34 PM
Wot ?? No smexy vamps or kickass witches :panic: :panic:

No nor no sexy mysterious elfs...

but does seem to be interesting read so may try that Sarah and broaden my horizons :)

14-02-2010, 03:02 PM
I loved the wicked book when I read it about 3 years ago. My DH just brought me the next two books for christmas and I'm a couple of chapters into Son of A Witch at the moment. It's ok so far. Not amazing but not awful either!! Will let you know what I think on Tues or Weds when its finished....a lot of sport on at the moment so plenty of time to read while DH hogs the tv...:)

14-02-2010, 06:07 PM
I'm sorry you two (Sarah and Twinks) didn't like Wicked as I think it was my recomendation you followed to read it. It's one of my all-time favourites.

The sequels are Son of a Witch and A Lion Among Men and are not anywhere near as good as the first one.

14-02-2010, 06:31 PM
I'm sorry you two (Sarah and Twinks) didn't like Wicked as I think it was my recomendation you followed to read it. It's one of my all-time favourites.

The sequels are Son of a Witch and A Lion Among Men and are not anywhere near as good as the first one.

I don't know why I couldn't get into it Tatia :( I downloaded it to my ipod as I do lots of books ( I read real ones aswell :laughing: ) maybe it's one I have to read rather than having it read to me.

14-02-2010, 06:34 PM
I'm sorry you two (Sarah and Twinks) didn't like Wicked as I think it was my recomendation you followed to read it. It's one of my all-time favourites.

The sequels are Son of a Witch and A Lion Among Men and are not anywhere near as good as the first one.

I struggled through it, it didn't flow for me and I don't know why either :(

Then when I was in London at new year I kept seeing adverts for it on the stage :laughing:

It was a bit of a strange one, I'm glad I finished it though as it gave me a sense of closure so I could move on.

I find when I put them down half done I get the urge to pick them back up again and it never works! :rolleyes: :D

14-02-2010, 06:34 PM
Just had to add to this as I LOVE the Diana Gabaldon series that you mentioned - read them twice - they are brill. Also another great one is the Clan of the Cave Bear series by Jean Auel I think - bit like the Diana one in a set of brill books.

14-02-2010, 06:36 PM
Just had to add to this as I LOVE the Diana Gabaldon series that you mentioned - read them twice - they are brill. Also another great one is the Clan of the Cave Bear series by Jean Auel I think - bit like the Diana one in a set of brill books.

I've read clan of the cave bear series ( as recommended by Tatia :thumbsup: ) and loved it :clapping:

14-02-2010, 07:03 PM
Sarah read Clan of the Cave Bear series on my recomendation, too and loved them so I have more scores than misses!:laughing:

I also love Outlander series, too (Or Crossstitch) but I haven't read them all. I think I read the fuirst 3 or 4? How many are there cos I need to get on to Amazon, I think. :clapping:

Wicked is...well, it's so much more than just a novel. It's a political disseration as well a theological timebomb. Those notions of right and wrong, the true nature of evil, the idea that our perspective plays the biggest role of all in deciding what's good or bad...it's amazing.:D

Sarah, I'm just like you. I finish even the most dreadful books (like Mr Darcy, Vampire:rolleyes: ).

Have you ever read Gone With The Wind?

14-02-2010, 07:08 PM
I think I'm gonna have to read Wicked.

14-02-2010, 07:22 PM
Sarah read Clan of the Cave Bear series on my recomendation, too and loved them so I have more scores than misses!:laughing:

I also love Outlander series, too (Or Crossstitch) but I haven't read them all. I think I read the fuirst 3 or 4? How many are there cos I need to get on to Amazon, I think. :clapping:

Wicked is...well, it's so much more than just a novel. It's a political disseration as well a theological timebomb. Those notions of right and wrong, the true nature of evil, the idea that our perspective plays the biggest role of all in deciding what's good or bad...it's amazing.:D

Sarah, I'm just like you. I finish even the most dreadful books (like Mr Darcy, Vampire:rolleyes: ).

Have you ever read Gone With The Wind?

I do usually have to finish any book I start.

So I take it Mr Darcy Vampire was not a good read ?

I think you hit the nail on the head with Wicked being more than a novel - I'm much too shallow to enjoy anything so deep :laughing:

Well ok ,I have to be in the mood to read anything deep , most of the time I just want entertaining ! :D

14-02-2010, 08:10 PM
I think you hit the nail on the head with Wicked being more than a novel - I'm much too shallow to enjoy anything so deep
You know I didn't mean that!:p I was just waxing lyrical about my fave book.

Gone With The Wind?

Oh an NOOOOOO, Mr Darcy, Vampire, is just as dreadful as it sounds. Truly. Awful.

Gone With The Wind?

14-02-2010, 09:28 PM
You may not have meant it like that Tatia but I did :laughing: I don't do deep :D

Oh that sounds RUDE ! :blush:

I read Gone with the Wind very many years ago when I was a mere gal.

I astonished my teachers when I was 8 by reading 'The Pilgrims Progress' ( Bunyan ) and again when I was 14 by telling them about this really cool book I'd dicovered called 'War and Peace '. I remember them saying that it was one of those they meant to get around to reading :laughing:

Now I just want vampires :p

15-02-2010, 08:21 AM
I HATED The Pilgrim's progress. My father is forever after me to LOVE it. Bleh. You sound just like me, though, reading books for a much older audience. My kids took after me, too cos I can remember my son doing this reading program they have in The States where you read a book (based on your 'level' of reading :rolleyes: ) and then you take a test about it. This is done in your free time so it's just people who like to read or like extra work! :laughing: Anyway, in my day, they were pencil tests but he got to do hi on a computer. His teacher rang me because he wanted to take out Tom Sawyer or Huck Fin, one of those two and she was worried it'd affect his overall score cos the books were much older than he should be reading. I said let him do it, that's the stuff he reads at home. So she did and he scored 100%. :D

Now he tells me people used to pay him for taking the tests FOR them! :rolleyes: :mad:

15-02-2010, 08:21 AM
Twinks, do you read Anne Rice?