View Full Version : Obs

Mrs Book
10-02-2010, 03:35 PM
When you have done your planning do you have to obs to go with you planning?

So say you have valentine card's on your plans, do you then have to do an ob to show you have done what you have said you would do on your plan?

10-02-2010, 04:28 PM
When you have done your planning do you have to obs to go with you planning?

So say you have valentine card's on your plans, do you then have to do an ob to show you have done what you have said you would do on your plan?

I would say as long as you have some obs taken from some of the activities on your planning then you are fine.

I would make sure at least 1 ob I do do from a planned activity is one to back up my next steps from another ob

10-02-2010, 06:22 PM
It's kind of a rolling thing isn't it?

You do obs and plan something, then you do obs and plan something else.

You don't always observe from the thing you have planned or you would be observing every day which is a bit unrealistic.
