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29-01-2010, 05:45 PM
I have a lo who is in cloth nappies. I change him every 2/3 hours, but his clothes are often wet anyway.

Parents send 3 changes of clothes for the day and I usually use them all.

Is it usual for them to get wet so quickly? I take care to put the nappies on properly, but they always seem to leak.

Any tips or advice?

29-01-2010, 05:48 PM
I would say they are too big. They should last about the same as disposables.


29-01-2010, 05:56 PM
What are you putting over them? The different wraps fit differently and some babies fit some better than others. Also you need to make sure they are nice and snug, nappy nippas tend to be good for this. You can also add extra stuffing (microfibre cloths under the liner work well). I hardly ever had a leaky cloth nappy, lots of cloth fans find them more reliable than disposable once you get the fit right.

29-01-2010, 05:56 PM
How old is LO and how much does he? drink ???

29-01-2010, 06:06 PM
He's 8 months old & in a normal 8/9 hour day will have 3 or 4 8oz bottles.

The nappies he wears are ready made up - an outer wrapper, a pad inside & a disposable liner. They seem to leak either out the top or out the side of the legs. Perhaps I'm not doing them up tight enough.

29-01-2010, 06:17 PM
you can get booster pads i don't know about all in one ones I've only ever use bambino mio which is a wrap and cover these where fine during the day but did use pads in them at night talk to parents are the having the same problems at home

29-01-2010, 06:35 PM
One of my mindees wore these I always had problems she always seemed wet and they really smelt, good for the environment not sure if they really do the job. It isnt very nice when they wet the floor or cushions etc

29-01-2010, 06:43 PM
Hi :),
I have a 20 month old mindee in cloth nappies and think they're great! waaay better than the cloth nappies available when my dd1 (now 24) was little:eek:

As Norwichshelley says, I'd ask parents if they have the same probs at home and either change the size, the tightness or ask for more changes of clothes and extra nappies and just change lo more often.... Maybe for fit, the parent who drops off could change one with you watching so you can compare technique? !

Hope things improve soon...

Wendy :)

29-01-2010, 06:55 PM
I've had that problem too, and I would suggest that it's the wraps that are ill fitting, perhaps if they have been previously used or are just the wrong size. If the wraps are OK I would recommend bamboo boosters to absorb the extras.

29-01-2010, 07:58 PM
Have you asked his Mum to see if she has the same problem?

29-01-2010, 08:11 PM
Sounds obvious but are you making sure your tucking his willy down?

22-06-2010, 05:42 PM
just found this thread, im trying to do my nappy changing policy and suddenley realised i have no idea how to do these nappies?!

is there anywhere you can be shown?, or has anyone come across a diagram on the internet?
ive just typed it in and it came up with some old bloke in one looking...ummm...Happy!!!!!!:blush:

22-06-2010, 07:33 PM
just found this thread, im trying to do my nappy changing policy and suddenley realised i have no idea how to do these nappies?!

is there anywhere you can be shown?, or has anyone come across a diagram on the internet?
ive just typed it in and it came up with some old bloke in one looking...ummm...Happy!!!!!!:blush:


They are all different and you would hopefully get instructions from parents on how to put them on etc.

I never had a problem with cloth. Both my girls used them and we never had leaks, even over night when they had a wool wrap on.

I think it's finding the right one to suit the child.(just like disposables)

22-06-2010, 08:58 PM
They sound like the bumgenius nappies I used with my daughter, if they're leaking so quickly and frequently then they probably need something extra inside, microfibre cloths are good. Maybe suggest to the parents they buy some extra boosters for them.

23-06-2010, 06:25 AM
One of my mindees wore these I always had problems she always seemed wet and they really smelt, good for the environment not sure if they really do the job. It isnt very nice when they wet the floor or cushions etc

The child I mind wears them and they really do smell. She seems to be sore a lot and her nappies also leak. Yes they are good for the environment but I imagine they are very uncomfortable to wear as they are also very bulky.

25-06-2010, 09:41 AM
i used cloth nappies with my son ... had a nightmare to start with but i persevered. i found that the shaped ones were not for me and i used the terry squares and folded them myself. the liners took me ages to find but its a good idea to find fleece liners, i never had to use a booster pad with him. I used mothercares plastic rubbers over the top ... would def go down the same route again. i hated it when he went into pull ups as i didnt like to pay for them lol

i would suggest looking at a different outer cover

25-06-2010, 09:42 AM
doh!! jsut realised that was an older posting lol