View Full Version : fees in cheshire??

21-01-2010, 06:52 PM
Hi, are there any childminders from cheshire or midlands? can you tell me what fees you charge? because i have no idea what to charge! and im soooo confused about retainers, i really dont understand them! lol they scare me a bit!!!:blush:

21-01-2010, 08:20 PM

It varies so much depending on your part of town / the estate you live on...

You'd be best having a nosey through here and seeing what minders close to your postcode charge :D


21-01-2010, 09:50 PM
Hi thanks! its so confusing and i dont want to be too exspensive! i want to be reasonable to make sure i actually get mindees!! x

23-01-2010, 01:39 PM
Hi, sorry another question. how do you work out the deposit?? i was thinking of charging a weeks fee for deposit then taking off the first weeks/months invoice??? would that be ok? i havent got the guts to ask for more! :blush: