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View Full Version : Advertise a Temporary place or not???

17-01-2010, 07:03 AM
Hi ladies,
Was just wondering if any of you have ever minded for a child temporarily, or are at the moment??? Im about to be registered as a cm, but just found out Im pregnant. I have a mindee waiting to start and her mum is fine about me taking a few weeks mat leave, but should I advertise the p/t space I have left on a Monday and Tuesday?? And should I advertise it as temporary or advertise as permanent but explain I'll be taking a few weeks off??? I feel that telling new parents Im pg would put them off! I really want to be a cm and this baby was a surprise and I dont want it to postpone all the hard work Ive put in! What would you do???

17-01-2010, 09:24 AM
I have had children on a temporary basis before.

I had 2 siblings who were waiting for a nursery to be able to take them at the same time but 2 spaces were not available. So they came to me for 2 days a week for 7 weeks til nursery had 2 spaces. I knew from the beginning it was temporary.

Its up to you what you do. Do you feel that financially you need to fill the space? How far pregnant are you? If you are due reasonably soon, then its probably not worth taking someone on. But if you still have a few months beofre you will be taking mat leave, then its enough time for a LO to start with you and be aware that you will be having mat leave.

I would be honest with any parents that come to see you and tell them you are pregnant and planning to take such and such time off for mat leave.

17-01-2010, 10:32 AM
I have a temp mindee at the moment. Mum is pregnant with her 3rd and has started working an extra day till maternity leave. I have her 2nd child 1 day a week till Easter, started this month. It is a Friday and I would like it as my day off but have decided as it is temp to do it.

You could advertise as a temporary/permanent place and see what comes along. :thumbsup:

17-01-2010, 11:37 AM
Have you thought about advertising at school nurseries or preschools? Parents there might be looking for something to take them up to the summer holidays. This is how I filled my temporary space. I only wanted someone on 2 mornings per week on days when I just had a 3yr old and a baby. The baby was very demanding and I felt the 3yr old was losing out a bit for lack of a playmate.

The Juggler
17-01-2010, 12:15 PM
lots of people might be looking now, those whose children start school soon or who are waiting for a nursery place.

you never know. I gave notice once and picked up a baby for a week whilst waiting for a nursery place. also social services might be looking for temp cover for parents on courses etc.

worth a try. when is your baby due?

17-01-2010, 12:24 PM
I have a mindee I have had from Sept till end of this month was only whilst mum attended a course.

I have a potential mindee ... nursery is closing at the end of the month, and full time school only starts in Sept, so mum needs someone to care for LO in the morning and take him to new (school) nursery in the afternoon, where she works.

So contract likely to only be from Feb till mid July.