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View Full Version : 4 weeks notice to Parents

Manda L
16-01-2010, 05:24 PM
Hi All,
today i have had to give notice on the care of their 4 year old Son.
It was no surprise for them, as we have been constantly discussing him not behaving, and they have already tried to get him into after school club.
I have had him since Oct and we have extended settling in period each month, as new children started with me the month after, so poss unsettled him.
The school snow days were the last case of events that clarified to myself that we were not making progress, in fact he was worse not better.
I was not looking forward to it, as i have not had to do this before, and I should feel better now it's done, but i feel awful, as the parents are lovely people.
Im sure plently of you have had to give notice during your careers, but have you got any advice for a novice like me in managing the next month, mainly emotionally.
A x:(

16-01-2010, 05:29 PM
It's not easy but I think you've done the worst bit in telling the parents.

For the next four weeks you've just got to grit your teeth and get through it - just keep reminding yourself it's only xxx days to go.

Don't feel guilty - you've done your best and it's much harder to admit something isn't working than it is to just carry on.

Hope it goes quickly for you

Miffy xx

16-01-2010, 05:30 PM
As above really, try and keep going as cheerfully as possible and move on when he finishes.

16-01-2010, 05:47 PM
It's not easy but I think you've done the worst bit in telling the parents.

For the next four weeks you've just got to grit your teeth and get through it - just keep reminding yourself it's only xxx days to go.

Don't feel guilty - you've done your best and it's much harder to admit something isn't working than it is to just carry on.

Hope it goes quickly for you

Miffy xx

All of the above.

Just keep reminding yourself why you did.

And dont be tempted during the notice period to start doubting yourself and your decision either!!

16-01-2010, 05:55 PM
I had to give notice a few months ago and the months notice wasn't too bad, in fact his behaviour improved 100% he even begged me to let him stay :eek:
I knew I had to stick with it and when the notice period ended I signed some new children and I haven't looked back.
Once he left I realised how much of a negative impact his behaviour had on the setting and also my son.
He started with another local minder who I see everyday at school and she is now having the same problems with him that I had :rolleyes:

Keep reminding yourself the reason you gave notice and stick with it!! :D

16-01-2010, 07:52 PM
I gave notice to 2 siblings and like you felt really bad and even doubted myself during notice period as started thinking they maybe weren't as bad as I thought. I got through the 4 weeks by counting down the days. But believe me as soon as that notice period is over the relief started and I knew it was definitely the right decision.
Good luck x

Manda L
11-02-2010, 09:49 PM
Thank you everyone for your replies.
I have just finished the last day of notice, and yes i did doubt many times that i had done the wrong thing, but then he would play up and reassure me that i was making the right decision, and now i feel all relaxed.

He is staring with another local childminder after half term, whom i know.
Its been quite difficult as she phoned me when she heard i'd had a few issues, so with my professional head on i just explained that he'd just didn't fit into my setting.
Once again thanks for your words of support.
M x
:jump for joy:

11-02-2010, 10:05 PM
well done for getting through it, next time it will be easier.
Hopefully the child will settle better with a new childminder, noone knows why children settle in one plave but not in another so if she tells you all is well he is a perfect angel then smile, you did your best but as you know the child will most likely have similar issues as noone is a perfect angel

(apart from me)

11-02-2010, 10:06 PM
Glad you feel you've made the right decision.

Hope it works out for mindee with his new childminder.

Miffy xx

11-02-2010, 10:18 PM
ive wished i had the courage a couple of times over the years to give notice instead of struggling on to the detriment of everyone so dont look back you have definately done the right thing :thumbsup: