View Full Version : Hi all, a less confused Demonjill here than when we last spoke ...lol

15-01-2010, 01:10 PM
Hi everyone - happy new Year!
Hope you all had a fab christmas too and that santa was good to you all!

I know I have not been on here for ages and that i left rather suddenly in a very confused state of mind lol but here i am back and hopefully you will all remember me.
To those who dont or are new ... Hi and welcome to the forum its totally fab!

Well what have i been up to ( sorry to all those who do know all this or that have been in touch with me via facebook!)
I am now a registered childminder( but am not actively a cm at the moment as decided it wasnt what i wanted to do long story so will just leave that there for now lol)

I have been working in Gamestation for few months which has been brilliant, met loads of new friends, learnt alot about customer service etc, get a great discount lol and surprised myself with how much i enjoyed it.

I am having few weeks off before i start college. Im doing an intro to nursing, care and psychology course which im looking forward to.

I just want to do so many things after being stuck in a rut for so long. Life is too short etc etc

So here i am.
Hopefully i can still come on here and keep up with all of you as i have met some brill peeps on here and thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all the help you gave me when i was pre reg and when i was moaning about things and unsure what i wanted in life lol- i may still not know the answer to that last thing but im much much happier now.

Anyway enough waffling on from me.

Ive missed you guys -

Love Jill xxxx

15-01-2010, 01:17 PM
Wishing you good luck with your college course and hope you have now found your 'niche'

15-01-2010, 01:28 PM
Missed you!

Glad to hear you are having fun.

Don't be a stranger :D

15-01-2010, 01:32 PM
awhh thats a nice post

Glad you feel better now xx

15-01-2010, 02:45 PM
Your right life is too short! Good for you taking the plunge and doing the things you want to do!

Good luck with the college course!!


Curly Quavers
15-01-2010, 07:30 PM
Hey Lady,

Glad your back and glad you managed to make your mind up.


15-01-2010, 07:31 PM
Hope you enjoy your course and what a wonderful philosophy :)

15-01-2010, 07:32 PM
How lovely to hear from you :clapping: I'm glad you are feeling a lot happier and more positive now.

Keep in touch.:D

15-01-2010, 07:38 PM
Hey babe
Glad you are doing well, can you get me a discount too :laughing:

15-01-2010, 07:52 PM
hi ya! Oh yeah.. where have you been! ha

Glad to hear you are enjoying life!:clapping:

16-01-2010, 08:04 AM
Good to see you here! :)

Pleased to hear things are better for you now

Miffy xx

16-01-2010, 05:23 PM
Thanks everyone!

I will def keep popping on here when i get a mo.

Will have to try and catch up with whats been going on as well.

Take care all


16-01-2010, 05:24 PM
Hey babe
Glad you are doing well, can you get me a discount too :laughing:

Lol that discount came in handy for xmas pressies let me tell you! lol

Will catch up soon hun xxxxx