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View Full Version : struggling to get children in!!

14-01-2010, 01:27 PM
hiya, have just had notice that my certificate is coming through and eceived info from kites and others, but am struggling to get any children in. I have done some leaflets, but need some more ideas?? moneys running out now!!
alex xx

14-01-2010, 08:38 PM
Hi, im still waiting for crb to be completed and my certificate to come but have managed to fill my spaces already, my advice would be to get to know other childminders near you as word of mouth is the best way and maybe they will pass on your details if they have no spaces available, other than that advertise at local schools/preschools and nurserys, local shops, if you have children who attend a school ask around other parents and just let them know that you are registered and if they hear of anyone looking for childcare could they pass on your details.Make a sign for your car if you drive or ask friends to put a poster in their cars for you.Advertise on gumtree or netmums and of course on here :) cant think of much more but its been a long day so if I think of anything else I will add more. good luck Naomiesian xx

Carpet Monkeys
14-01-2010, 09:04 PM
Put your flyers up in :

Library, Dr's, Florists, Hairdressers, Newsagents, Cafe, Community Centre, local hospital.

Go to some of your local large businesses and speak to HR and leave off some flyers there, they can then recomend you to ladies due to go off on maternity leave.

I'm almost there just got my CRB back all I need now is the certificate, but have not been actively been advertising, going to get out there this weekend!

Don't forget yell.co.uk - that's another good one, and it's free!

15-01-2010, 08:10 AM
attend childminding groups in your area, pop into the childrens centre and introduce yourself, make your self a website which can be done free, put leaflets up in toddler groups, shops, in the back window of your car if you drive. Pop to your local school and ask if they have a list a childminders and ask if you can be added to it.

Good Luck xxxxx

15-01-2010, 09:54 AM
ok thankyou all very much!! will get onto doing all of those! xxx

15-01-2010, 10:39 AM
Hi :)
How about a notice board in your front window, to be seen by passers-by?!
I got my 2 most recent mindees through childcare.co.uk website. thought it was expensive initially, when I had to part with the money, but if you work it out weekly its hardly anything...
good luck!


15-01-2010, 10:54 AM
hiya, have just had notice that my certificate is coming through and eceived info from kites and others, but am struggling to get any children in. I have done some leaflets, but need some more ideas?? moneys running out now!!
alex xx

I know how it feels! I have been advertising since mid November and not had a single enquiry yet.
I am advertising in all my local shops, playgroups, netmums and childcare.co.uk.
Im in touch with other childminders who have promised to give out my number if something comes there way that they cant do.
I just think after speaking with local cm's that Nov and Dec are the quitetest times and also the start of Jan. Hopfully our phones will start ringing soon x

15-01-2010, 12:04 PM
I am in the same situation to, I have been registered since november but only had one phone call last week. Got excited but they haven't rang back so .. Its really hard just waiting around.When i have spoken to local childminders they seem to have got their children through word of mouth, I would like to know how many childminders get any interest from adverts in pre-schools, shops etc?

hoping the enquiries come in soon for you too
