View Full Version : sometimes i wish i wasnt left handed! grr

10-01-2010, 05:31 PM
i have just bought the first part of 'The art of Crotchet' magazine. always fancied giving it a go and making a throw.

it was the first one so was only 99p with wool, crochet hook, simple instructions and a step by step dvd.

but of course all the instructions are for right handed people! there is one little bit at the beginning that says if you are left handed hold the hook in your left hand instead. but then all the illustrations are for right handed:angry:

i have been trying for about 40 mins to do the first chain and i think i have just about mastered it. but then it went wrong and i threw it across the sofa:laughing: so thought i would come on here for an hours break. will have another go in a bit.:rolleyes:

10-01-2010, 05:38 PM
Had to teach my 10 year old to knit right handed. I could not turn it round for her.:blush:

Keep going, you'll get there.:thumbsup:

10-01-2010, 05:44 PM
i do lots of things right handed including knitting!. the only thing i really do left handed is sewing and writing. i tried the crochet hook in right hand but because you hold it like a pen it just didnt feel 'right'. all my family are right handed and when at primary school i had a teacher that made me do things right handed to try and make me 'normal' (thank goodness they dont do that any more!)

i will keep trying :laughing:

10-01-2010, 06:05 PM
i do lots of things right handed including knitting!. the only thing i really do left handed is sewing and writing. i tried the crochet hook in right hand but because you hold it like a pen it just didnt feel 'right'. all my family are right handed and when at primary school i had a teacher that made me do things right handed to try and make me 'normal' (thank goodness they dont do that any more!)

i will keep trying :laughing:

Isn't it odd that occasionally you get a lefty in the family. We are all right handed but E is a lefty.(or an oddball!:laughing: )

sue m
10-01-2010, 06:30 PM
My youngest son and I are the only lefties in our family. :D

10-01-2010, 06:47 PM
DS 2 is left handed and the only one in the family who is. I'm a big meanie and would never buy left handed scissors or tin openers and such as I felt he would have to learn to cope in a right handed world ( which he has ).

He uses cutlery the right handed way but my other two sons who are both right handed use their cutlery the left handed way :rolleyes:

10-01-2010, 06:53 PM
I am a mixed up right handed person.:laughing:

I eat with my knife and fork in the 'wrong' hands, write with my right hand but when I was young and did gymnastics did it left handed (had to reverse all the set routines as I did cartwheels with my left hand leading:rolleyes:)

When I wink, I close my right eye which is what a left handed person would do apparently - also to look through a telescope/camera viewfinder - try it!

I can't use a spoon and fork for dessert as they both go in my right hand - DS eats my way too :) We have to swap utensils around if we are eating out and mind we don't clash elbows with the person next to us, often sit together to make it easier when elbow room is tight :blush:

However, I sew right handed and with the 'art of crochet' mag have made the first square (after a few wrong attempts) :clapping: :clapping:

I was SOOO chuffed :thumbsup:

Hope you work it out :D

10-01-2010, 06:55 PM
I am a mixed up right handed person.:laughing:

I eat with my knife and fork in the 'wrong' hands, write with my right hand but when I was young and did gymnastics did it left handed (had to reverse all the set routines as I did cartwheels with my left hand leading:rolleyes:)

When I wink, I close my right eye which is what a left handed person would do apparently - also to look through a telescope/camera viewfinder - try it!

I can't use a spoon and fork for dessert as they both go in my right hand - DS eats my way too :) We have to swap utensils around if we are eating out and mind we don't clash elbows with the person next to us, often sit together to make it easier when elbow room is tight :blush:

However, I sew right handed and with the 'art of crochet' mag have made the first square (after a few wrong attempts) :clapping: :clapping:

I was SOOO chuffed :thumbsup:

Hope you work it out :D

i have just mastered the double stitch but havnt attempted the square yet! lol.

10-01-2010, 06:56 PM
there are lots of articles and videos on how to do it lefthanded

maybe they will help you get started..


10-01-2010, 06:58 PM
Im right handed but eat the left handed way :rolleyes: :D

10-01-2010, 06:59 PM
My dh has this complaint over everything he is a total lefty, my two boys are leftys and my dd is a righty and i'm in between them all :laughing: I write left handed but I am right dominated ooooh the fun in our house!!!:laughing:

10-01-2010, 07:51 PM
Don't give up:D you'll get there with it!

My dd is left handed, only one on my side, hubby and parents all right handed.

Funny enough though my niece (on hubbys side) is also left handed and no left handed on either side for them too:D

A girl thing in our family!

I also eat left handed, only because you can eat faster haha

10-01-2010, 08:00 PM
I am left handed and so is my sister mum and dad are both right handed, my youngest dd is a lefty as well. I had to get dh to show my oldest how to hold a pen properly and how to use scissors cos I couldnt do it
They do say all the clever people are lefties :thumbsup:

10-01-2010, 08:02 PM
i love being a lefty but it just annoys me when instructions are just given for right handers:angry:

10-01-2010, 08:18 PM
Two of my boys are lefties. One plays footy right-footed and can do a fair bit right handed.
The other is a true lefty. He plays footy left-footed and does everything left handed. He struggles to do anything right handed. When he was little, if he tried drinking with the cup in his right hand, he'd end up tipping it down himself - he just couldn't get the cup to his mouth!

I did buy left handed scissors for them, but they manage just as well with 'normal' ones.

Chimps Childminding
10-01-2010, 08:50 PM
I am the only leftie in my family except my niece. When she was younger, my sil asked me to teach her to knit as the couldn't get to grips with it - onyl problem was I can't knit for toffee!!!!!!!!!!!:laughing:
My eldest son is right handed but holds his knife and fork as if he were left, where as I hold mine like a right handed person!!!

10-01-2010, 09:25 PM
I am a mixed up right handed person.:laughing:

I eat with my knife and fork in the 'wrong' hands, write with my right hand but when I was young and did gymnastics did it left handed (had to reverse all the set routines as I did cartwheels with my left hand leading:rolleyes:)

When I wink, I close my right eye which is what a left handed person would do apparently - also to look through a telescope/camera viewfinder - try it!

I can't use a spoon and fork for dessert as they both go in my right hand - DS eats my way too :) We have to swap utensils around if we are eating out and mind we don't clash elbows with the person next to us, often sit together to make it easier when elbow room is tight :blush:

However, I sew right handed and with the 'art of crochet' mag have made the first square (after a few wrong attempts) :clapping: :clapping:

I was SOOO chuffed :thumbsup:

Hope you work it out :D

I'm the same really have to think when i lay the table. Thinking about it it might be why i stuggled with knitting when i was younger.
Hubbie tried to teach me to play the guitar but i really couldn't get the hang of it untill he had ago at me for holding it the wrong way.
I close my right eye when i wink aswell.

Heaven Scent
10-01-2010, 10:02 PM
Pixie Petal

The official term for you is mixed handedness - some people think its called ambidextrous but this is where you can do anything with both hands equally well.

As a matter of interest what foot would you instinctively kick a ball with?

Seeets that mag isn't very PC e-mail them and point out your difficulty - thats not fair especially when you start paying full price for the publication - you will find that your patch work throw will cost you a pretty penny so you deserve the instructions in a format that you can follow.

10-01-2010, 10:10 PM
Pixie Petal

The official term for you is mixed handedness - some people think its called ambidextrous but this is where you can do anything with both hands equally well.

As a matter of interest what foot would you instinctively kick a ball with?

Seeets that mag isn't very PC e-mail them and point out your difficulty - thats not fair especially when you start paying full price for the publication - you will find that your patch work throw will cost you a pretty penny so you deserve the instructions in a format that you can follow.

Thanks for that - I am glad there is a title. I know I am not ambidextrous as I can only do certain things with certain hands/feet.

I would kick a ball with my right foot. My left foot is my balance one - for standing on one leg or hopping too, and like doing cartwheels (those days are long gone!)

10-01-2010, 10:11 PM
ive just had a look at the magazines website and in their FAQ it says that if you are left handed then use a mirror to reverse the picture instructions! lol.

flippin hard enough to hold the wool, the hook and balance the book on your knee without trying to hold a mirror too! :laughing:

10-01-2010, 10:13 PM
ive just had a look at the magazines website and in their FAQ it says that if you are left handed then use a mirror to reverse the picture instructions! lol.

flippin hard enough to hold the wool, the hook and balance the book on your knee without trying to hold a mirror too! :laughing:

You will have to come and sit opposite me and pretend I am a mirror :laughing:

10-01-2010, 11:27 PM
There are no lefties in our family apart from my generation - 4 out of 5 of us are lefties.

I do everything left handed apart from eating and my daughter does everything right handed apart from eating.

I find musical instruments really hard - don't know whether it's because I'm left handed or just crap at music :D

Heaven Scent
11-01-2010, 01:19 AM
My mum is 87 now and she is actually left handed but when she was little (in Ireland - not sure if it was the same here) everytime she picked somthing up with her left hand an adult put it in her right hand and even tied her left hand to her side so that she had no option but to write with her right hand - she does things like peeling veg etc with her left hand - her dominet hand is her left hand.

I bet there were lots of left handed people around long ago but for some reason it was not considered to be right (I may be wrong here but I think that - in Ireland anyway - full of superstitions - they thought - it meant that the child was closer to the devil or some such other rubbish - I'm talking about rural superstition here but you know these things become urban myth and it snowballs) I'm the youngest in my family and when my brother and sisters had babies and they were sitting up playing with toys if they picked one up in their left hand my mum would rush over to them and swop the toy to the other hand. I think that is very strange as she can't have enjoyed having all those things done to her so that she would write with her right hand so why would she think it ok to do it to her own grandchild - She even used to tell me to do it to my children even when they were older. She really must have been brainwashed to think it was something bad. How sad is that???:panic: :panic: :panic:

11-01-2010, 08:30 AM
I am a mixed up right handed person.:laughing:

I eat with my knife and fork in the 'wrong' hands, write with my right hand but when I was young and did gymnastics did it left handed (had to reverse all the set routines as I did cartwheels with my left hand leading:rolleyes:)

When I wink, I close my right eye which is what a left handed person would do apparently - also to look through a telescope/camera viewfinder - try it!

I can't use a spoon and fork for dessert as they both go in my right hand - DS eats my way too :) We have to swap utensils around if we are eating out and mind we don't clash elbows with the person next to us, often sit together to make it easier when elbow room is tight :blush:

However, I sew right handed and with the 'art of crochet' mag have made the first square (after a few wrong attempts) :clapping: :clapping:

I was SOOO chuffed :thumbsup:

Hope you work it out :D

I am like you a right handed person gone wrong ha ha ha

My mom and my sister and my daughter are all left handed though and never complain about anything being difficult for them - I have always treated my daughter the same never had left handed of anything in the house

Must be difficult though sometimes when you think about it

Angel xx

jo f
11-01-2010, 09:44 AM
I'm a lefty! Never been able to knit- struggle watchin my mum, hate can openers even lefty ones! I like (or did before kids) cross stitching and do it slightly different but as long as they are all the wrong way it doesnt matter!
I just do things my way and never really think about it, I get a lot of people comment though " I never knew u were left handed" - like ive got 2 heads or somethin!

11-01-2010, 10:18 AM
My mum is 87 now and she is actually left handed but when she was little (in Ireland - not sure if it was the same here) everytime she picked somthing up with her left hand an adult put it in her right hand and even tied her left hand to her side so that she had no option but to write with her right hand - she does things like peeling veg etc with her left hand - her dominet hand is her left hand.

I bet there were lots of left handed people around long ago but for some reason it was not considered to be right (I may be wrong here but I think that - in Ireland anyway - full of superstitions - they thought - it meant that the child was closer to the devil or some such other rubbish - I'm talking about rural superstition here but you know these things become urban myth and it snowballs) I'm the youngest in my family and when my brother and sisters had babies and they were sitting up playing with toys if they picked one up in their left hand my mum would rush over to them and swop the toy to the other hand. I think that is very strange as she can't have enjoyed having all those things done to her so that she would write with her right hand so why would she think it ok to do it to her own grandchild - She even used to tell me to do it to my children even when they were older. She really must have been brainwashed to think it was something bad. How sad is that???:panic: :panic: :panic:

When I was at primary school in the late 60's I was forced to write right-handed until my mother intervened. I tend to print when I'm writing, can't do nice joined up writing because the teacher couldn't teach me how to do it lol.

11-01-2010, 10:27 AM
My daughter can write with both hands and was always discouraged from using her left hand at school

I had a run in with one of the teachers once because they said she " was not allowed to use her left hand "

It was annoying because my younger daughter is left handed and to see her older sister being told off used to make her think think there was something wrong with it

My mom was told she was " thick" when she was at school for being left handed

Angel xx

christine e
11-01-2010, 10:54 AM
My Dad was left handed and was forced to write right handed (think they tied his left hand behine his back).

My youngest is left handed and I have minded 5 children who are left handed.
When demonstrating things like knitting or shoe laces I sit opposite them rather than by their side.

Hope you master the crochet.


11-01-2010, 08:48 PM
When i worked in a pharmacy i was talking about left handness he said he was hit everytime he used his left hand as its ment to represent lossing money

11-01-2010, 08:55 PM
I'm a lefty too:) My mum and her mum were too. None of my kids are so it must be a girl thing!!! Can do most 'right' handed things really with no problems but was annoyed when I learnt to play violin at school and was told I had to play right handed:(

11-01-2010, 09:18 PM
When i worked in a pharmacy i was talking about left handness he said he was hit everytime he used his left hand as its ment to represent lossing money

Aha! That explains why I'm always skint!!

11-01-2010, 10:49 PM
i want buy this but shop not got it but been libary and they getting some books from another libary for me :D

i then will go buy some and see if i can do it (prob not) lol

that sucks tho hun but i hope you manage get use to it soon enough even if instructions are right handed .. my girl is left handed x

11-01-2010, 10:51 PM
i want buy this but shop not got it but been libary and they getting some books from another libary for me :D

i then will go buy some and see if i can do it (prob not) lol

that sucks tho hun but i hope you manage get use to it soon enough even if instructions are right handed .. my girl is left handed x

its very easy once you get the hang of it! i made my first square tonight:clapping: :laughing:

11-01-2010, 10:52 PM
sorry can i ask you can you buy left handed forks for kids????

i think you can but hubby says not???

who better to ask:D

11-01-2010, 10:56 PM
sorry can i ask you can you buy left handed forks for kids????

i think you can but hubby says not???

who better to ask:D

wouldnt have thought there was a need for a left handed fork :laughing: wouldnt be any different.

i wouldnt bother anyway, i like most left handers adapt very well to a right handed world most usualy eat right handed. ive never bought anything specifically left handed except for a potato peeler which i couldnt get on with and i always use a sharp knife anyway.

11-01-2010, 10:59 PM
i have a left hand mindee and shes struggling with using her fork

thats why i asked thanks xxx

11-01-2010, 11:01 PM
i have a left hand mindee and shes struggling with using her fork

thats why i asked thanks xxx

which hand does she hold it in? try her with it the other way round .i hold mine in my left hand.

11-01-2010, 11:05 PM
she holds it in her left hand but he fork is at the back of her hand which is in like a fist shape so she cant control anything then gets frustrated and she wont have help very stubborn in the end she uses her fingers but today she had chicken in gravy and she was covered in it:( which is fine by me by this point it was stone cold and she was cross

12-01-2010, 03:47 PM
I am a lefty - the only things i do with my right hand are playing the drums and flying an aeroplane :rolleyes: i used to hate it at school because i would always smudge the ink with my hand going across the words i had just written - thank goodness i don't need to use a fountain pen anymore! :laughing: