View Full Version : My Big Fat Diet Show

08-01-2010, 10:46 AM
Has anyone else been watching this?

It's really interesting! It's scary when they show you portions of food that equal 100 calories - they're really tiny! Makes you realise how much you're eating!

I'm really enjoying it, don't think it's on for long. Next time is Channel 4, Tuesday at 8 I think?

Anyone else got any good tv diet / overweight progs as I find them really helpful and inspirational!

08-01-2010, 10:49 AM
I watched it and recorded it on sky

it is incredible how little these portions are!! OMG!!

but it just shows you....what I also always find annoying is how supermarkets get you to buy stuff.
I know we should be in control of what we are buying but they are employing all the tricks in the books to get us to buy stuff.....with psychology tricks and everything!!

I also like watching them...I watched that McKenna guy too....not sure yet what to think of it...

not sure if there are any other ones at the moment.

08-01-2010, 10:49 AM
Have not seen this

Sounds interesting though

Hope you are ok Lorri


08-01-2010, 10:53 AM
Hi Angel - it's definitely worth watching. They tell you the tricks that supermarkets play to get you to buy more than you need and then therefore eat more than you need.

Last night they showed you how things that say they are beneficial to your health aren't! Like bread etc with Omega 3 - you'd have to eat over 180 slices per week to get your omega 3 needs. Stuff like that. It's really interesting!

I'm fine thank you Angel, hope you are, you've got a lot of snow that way according to the news!

08-01-2010, 10:56 AM
I was gonna watch it, I think it was on last night as well, though might have been a repeat but never did, should have really

I am calorie counting all the time lately. I have put on a stone over xmas and I gotta get rid of it!!

I have been really good this week and only eating small amounts. About 700 cals a day. I have lost 3 lb since I started on Tuesday morning. :clapping:

08-01-2010, 11:00 AM
I was gonna watch it, I think it was on last night as well, though might have been a repeat but never did, should have really

I am calorie counting all the time lately. I have put on a stone over xmas and I gotta get rid of it!!

I have been really good this week and only eating small amounts. About 700 cals a day. I have lost 3 lb since I started on Tuesday morning. :clapping:

did you know that if you eat below around 1200 cals a day your body goes into starvation mode and once you stop the diet it will store more fat etc than usual in case of another period of starvation and you are more likely to put it straight back on because your body wants to store up for the next crisis time??

sue m
08-01-2010, 11:01 AM
I watched it too and thought it was good. I couldn't believe the size of the portions either! The women were a good laugh weren't they. I just couldn't go from eating my 'usual diet' to that noodle soup, everything I like is rubbish, fattening and bad for me! I just can't cut everything out that I like. I lost nearly a stone last year but reckon I've put it all back on again. I did manage to give up most biscuits and chocolate. I like to see programmes like that with the more mature lady :cool: on. I get sick of watching when they are all in their 20's. x

09-01-2010, 06:08 AM
I wanted to watch it but missed it :angry: going to record next one :laughing:
Dawn x

09-01-2010, 11:35 AM
I was shocked by the 100 cals portions too. Especially when it was about 3 quality street sweets for 100 cals- OMGness I ate hundreds of them over Christmas, no wonder I'm such a fattie!

09-01-2010, 03:48 PM
I wanted to watch it but missed it going to record next one

I've watched them on channel4 OD (http://www.channel4.com/programmes/my-big-fat-diet-show/4od#3019317).
I found them a bit repetitive...saying the same thing over and over again, but as others have said it really opens your eyes to what constitutes 100calories. The recipes that Matt Dawson does look really good and tasty so I will give them a go and the diet plan here (http://www.channel4.com/food/on-tv/my-big-fat-diet-show/index.html) looks followable. Not sure I would want to cut down to 1200 calories a day, though their diet is for 2 weeks only.

14-01-2010, 06:44 PM
Can you download the episodes from anywhere I have been recording them but forgot to do tuesdays :(

14-01-2010, 07:04 PM
I've watched them all on channel 4 OD (like bbc iplayer), link in my post above.