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View Full Version : mindee face going blue with cold.

04-01-2010, 12:25 PM
This 10mth old is always layered up so as always she came with vest, long sleeved top, fleece jumper, tights, socks, slippers, trousers. On top of that she had an all in one fleece suit, mittens, hat and a cosy toes. I had prewarmed the buggy with a hot water bottle and her face still went blue with cold and her fingers were cold and she cried all the way home on the school run. We were out in total for an hour.

What else can I do? I have one too many for the car, but would struggle to get off the drive and the roads in the estate are really slippy to drive on.

04-01-2010, 12:28 PM
Put the rain cover on - makes the world of difference - creates a warm bubble (using LO's own body heat / breath) - put your hands over your mouth & breath in & out & you'll see what I mean - free from wind chill too:thumbsup:

04-01-2010, 12:36 PM
I forgot to say I had done that too :) Don't think there is anything else left really. She is also in the back seat of the powertwin.

04-01-2010, 01:03 PM
My daughter suffers from this and she has a heart murmur only slight but only discovered because i went to docs about the blueness, your mindee might have poor circulation as that is also common. Mention to parents see whatthey say

04-01-2010, 01:07 PM
my daughter and i both suffer from reynauds phenomonon and it makes no difference how many layers i wear my feet and hands are always cold and covered in chill blains so it's possible that she is suffering from this too

she sounded like she should have been snug and warm bless her

04-01-2010, 01:09 PM
Ah bless her, I was going to suggest the same as Blaze as this usually works wonders -
She sounds very well wrapped up, bless he. Maybe wrap a blanket around her as well so that her arms/hands are snug inside

04-01-2010, 01:26 PM
Well short off covering the lower half of her face with a snood - there's nothing more you can do that i can think off, except mention the blue to parents & get her checked at the Dr's for medical reasons - Grace has a heart murmur, so does this (as previously mentioned by someone else) or it could be a caused by some other medical condition - like Mandy's...bless the LO!