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View Full Version : how do you keep your paperwork organised?

03-01-2010, 05:54 PM
hi.. I'm hoping this isn't a silly question... I've just grown from having two long term mindees to 4 mindees and I'm just wondering how everyone organises themselves relating to:

- observations .. time for inputting into Learning Journals
- invoicing .. do you invoice everyone at different times of the month
depending when they started? or when parents are paid etc?
- doing your accounts??

I'm thinking I'm just going to have to set aside some time and ensure all paperwork is filed in a logical order but would welcome ideas. :)

Thanks a lot xx:)

03-01-2010, 06:04 PM

I expect all parents to pay me on the 1st day of the month (in advance) so I give them their invoices just before.

I do planning, writing up observations, next steps etc every Thursday afternoon.

I do my accounts on a Friday afternoon.

It doesnt take me long to do any of this so I do it when the children are free playing and I can see them as I sit at the table in the same room.

I try my best not to do paperwork at the weekend, although sometimes it is unavoidable!

03-01-2010, 06:08 PM
I do accounts weekly during quiet times and invoice all families at the same time at the end of the month ...

I send out newsletters with invoices.

I do children's files during quiet times as well but will spend extra time on a Sunday morning putting things together, especially if I've just printed a load of photos or similar.

I try to do as much as possible when I am working anyway so I don't resent the time it takes.

If I get behind :o I will spend some time at the weekend just catching up :D

03-01-2010, 06:08 PM
I am going to set 2 evenings per week to do paperwork, I spent last year so far behind and stressing over it and ended up not having a life :(

03-01-2010, 06:12 PM
I have piles!
Big ones,small ones,sometimes huge ones and sometimes really annoying stubborn ones.:laughing:
My hubby said 'you really must do something about your piles over Christmas'
I tried,but they are still there!

Chatterbox Childcare
03-01-2010, 06:42 PM
Mine does tend to build up and then I spend ages catching up

Mainly I have one file for attendance sheets which an invoice is attached to and I do invoices once a month in the evening and email then out. My accounts are put in an A5 diary along with where I have been and what it has cost and the mileage, also any new children or absent children (this is my bible)

My learning journals - one per child and I try to do them during the day - use a lot of post it notes or if obs done by photo I usually wait until the weekend and do these.

miss mopple
03-01-2010, 06:48 PM
Attendance sheets in a file by the door- get filled in daily and put in individual childs file at end of month

Obs get done on sticky labels and stuck straight in learning journey file with links to next steps on a seperate sheet (this forms my planning)

Accounts- err receipts get shoved in a box and I deal when Im on the mood (almost never :laughing: )

Invoices- done monthly on 22nd of month and emailed out to parents to save paper

newsletters- termly

03-01-2010, 07:38 PM
Accounts I do at the end of the month.

Obs i'll jot stuff down, put it in their folder and re-write on my forms when I feel like it/have the time.

Daily diaries I do throughout the day.

I don't do invoices, I get paid the same amount on the first working day of each work. Might have to review this as new mindee might be having early starts sometimes.


03-01-2010, 07:48 PM
Accounts monthly, invoices when needed and everything else when i get chance:D

03-01-2010, 08:18 PM
Obs - write notes in my A5 diary and write up in quiet moments - if there are any- or evening along with photos.

Accounts - my new year resolution, I will catch up. :blush: I write expenses in the same A5 diary to add to NCMA accounts book as and when, this is where i intend to get more orgganised and do weekly. Receipts shoved in here till I add them too.

Don't do invoices - parents pay weekly so easy to keep up on - write note in their daily diary if need be.

Daily diary for child - just a snapshot of what we have been up to each day, meals, sleeps or notes to parents. Usually at lunchtime when I write up mornings and just before hometime for the afternoons activities.

03-01-2010, 10:02 PM

I expect all parents to pay me on the 1st day of the month (in advance) so I give them their invoices just before.

I do planning, writing up observations, next steps etc every Thursday afternoon.

I do my accounts on a Friday afternoon.

It doesnt take me long to do any of this so I do it when the children are free playing and I can see them as I sit at the table in the same room.

I try my best not to do paperwork at the weekend, although sometimes it is unavoidable!

wow, this is amazing!

my new years resolution is to be more organised!

03-01-2010, 10:42 PM
I have piles!
Big ones,small ones,sometimes huge ones and sometimes really annoying stubborn ones.:laughing:
My hubby said 'you really must do something about your piles over Christmas'
I tried,but they are still there!

think you can get cream for this!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: