View Full Version : Extreme weather Policy

23-12-2009, 12:28 AM
Hi there

I'm due to take on a little girl after Christmas and her mum needs me to collect her and drop her off.

I was just wondering if anyone has an extreme weather policy they could share with me just incase the weather/snow is so bad that I can't get across town to collect her. What would happen under these circumstances? Would she still need to pay me?

Any advice would be gratefully appreciated. xxx

23-12-2009, 12:40 AM
Here you go:



23-12-2009, 08:55 AM
There's a severe weather risk assessment on the parents page of my www.knutsfordchildminding.co.uk website.

Scroll down through to the end of last year :D

23-12-2009, 10:05 AM
Yes use Sarahs

It covers everything

Good luck with the new starter

Angel xx

23-12-2009, 10:34 AM
Thank you all. They are brilliant.

Still a little unsure though... If I have to collect the girl from home at 12pm and the snow is really bad and I cannot get out, does she still have to pay me? Or does she not have to pay becuse I cannot provide a service?

Surely I can still provide a childminding service, just not a collection service, afterall i'm a childminder, not a taxi. Would it be up to her to make her own way here? I want to put this in writing so that she knows before signing a contract on Tuesday next week.

Any advice please? I'm confused :panic: xxx

23-12-2009, 10:48 AM
Is it part of your contract with the parent that you pick up the child?

Or do you pick up as a favour / not get paid for picking up?


23-12-2009, 10:58 AM
I think you would need to make clear that whilst you are happy to drop off and pick up, this is completely weather permitting and car working etc, and that in all instances where your service is available it is the parents responsibility to get the child to you, you will however free of charge offer to collect and drop off when you can, i would not charge for drop off and pick up, but charge a higher hourly fee, that way the fee can not be deemed to make you a taxi, and will be payable however the child gets to you.

We too have a child where we collect and drop off, the collection being from another minders house in the morning and the drop off going past the mums work to collect her with the child and then take them both home, but we have made it clear that this is a favour and there may be times where it can not be done.

23-12-2009, 11:04 PM
Is it part of your contract with the parent that you pick up the child?

Or do you pick up as a favour / not get paid for picking up?


She hasn't signed a contract yet. Doing it next tues. But she has no other way of getting to me. She lives quite far away and cannot drive. I usually charge £1 for collections and £1 for dropping off to cover fuel costs. x

24-12-2009, 09:46 AM
She hasn't signed a contract yet. Doing it next tues. But she has no other way of getting to me. She lives quite far away and cannot drive. I usually charge £1 for collections and £1 for dropping off to cover fuel costs. x

Okay, so revise your hourly rate.

For instance, rate is £3 per hour, and mindee coming 8 hours for day = £24 plus £2 for transport = £26

Divide £26 by 8 means new rate is £3.25 per hour with collections / drop offs on the house :D

24-12-2009, 09:51 AM
Aimie, did you make it to school on Friday? Ours was open but it took me 20mins to get to the bottom of Snatch Hill and I turned round and came home. I wondered at the time what would have happened if I'd had mindees.