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View Full Version : Update on chickenpox SCMA advice

11-12-2009, 11:16 AM
Ok here is what SCMA said

guidlindes are just that a guide.
but it is best practice to follow them especially if you say so in your policies.

it is not the law to follow them.

so in the case of CP...
inform all the parents that mindee has CP asap
let all parents decide if they want to have their kid around CP child

they will either say

then CP child needs to be excluded for the recommended time as per guidlines


then you can get them to sign a piece of dated permission to say they are aware mindee has cp and that they are ok to have their kids around them

that way she said they should not be able to have a successful complaint against you as they were aware and have agreed to it.


I might give my liability insurer a phone call too to see what they say

11-12-2009, 03:02 PM
I'd check with your insurer as well.

Thank you for sharing the information! :D