View Full Version : Annoyed with myself

10-12-2009, 05:14 PM
I went into childminding so I could be there for my children. It was the nativity yesterday afternoon and tonight. I didn't go yesterday as I had three under 5's and thought it better if I go tonight. The problem is DD has been sent home from school ill and is now not going to be able to do the nativity! :angry:

10-12-2009, 05:26 PM
I would feel exactly the same....oh the pangs of guilt are horrid aren't they!!! But you didn't know that she was going to be ill and you had full intentions of going to see her. I once missed my children's first ever sports day at their new school because we happened to be moving into our new house on exactly the same day. I was mortified and made myself feel so ill over it all but yet the kids weren't that bothered. I'm sure as parents we often feel worse than the kids about these things.....don't beat yourself up over it :)

10-12-2009, 05:38 PM
I missed my sons Christingle on Tuesday. It was the first one, as they only do them in year 2. I have been to everything else, but we went allowed to take under 5's and I was minding. He really wasnt bothered and his friends mum took responsibility for him so he could light his cande.

I think guilt goes with the job of being a mother