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View Full Version : Do you ever feel isolated?

05-03-2008, 02:16 PM
Just wondering if you ever get fed up of childminding on your own or do you like working by yourselves.

I feel quite isolated sometimes and really wonder whether I would be happier back doing my old job as a medical secretary. I really miss the hustle and bustle of a busy office and adult company sometimes and it's getting worse.

I've looked into going back to work but it's just not worth my while by the time I've paid for childcare and tax and national insurance. Can't get any help with tax credits either.

There's no decent playgroups round here either.

It's not that I don't love kids but god I crave adult company sometimes!

How do you all cope?

05-03-2008, 02:21 PM
I used to get very lonely to the point that I was about to give it all up...then I found the forum!:clapping:

05-03-2008, 02:25 PM
yep, all the time, but know like Tasha said, this forum is my life line

I can talk about work, people understand what we do, have to do, why we want to do it better without a oh you a babysitter comments:angry:

don't feel isolated, I often go out for walks with the lol when like this fresh air always makes me feel better;)

05-03-2008, 02:29 PM
As tasha said, the forum is a big saviour to me!!

I do feel isolated, partly because I cant get to everywhere I would like to. The childminding groups are not close to me and as I dont drive its a bit lonely at times. I like childrens company, sometimes It needs breaking up a bit though with a chat about something totally unrelated to the children.

I cant wait to start driving so that I can get to more places and we have some lovely parks around here as well as the beach - just not close enough though.

It can get boring but I still would rather be in this job than anything else


05-03-2008, 02:31 PM
We all go to the same toddler groups in Redhill. We go out on mass in the holidays, its great fun. The children all get to know each other really well.

I suppose we are lucky to have a great back up and support system.

Do you not mix with other minders at the school playground?
On the down side i do have to put up with Twinkles:laughing:

05-03-2008, 02:32 PM
I completely understand, although I love my job it seems that all my friends have "moved on" and got jobs out of the home. When you work in an office you meet lots of people and form new friendships for nights out etc but as a childminder unless you are part of a childminder network you really only meet people superficially at mums and tods etc. I did make the mistake of becoming very friendly with a mindees mum who was a single parent and found that in the end she had "befriended" me so that I would do what she liked and constantly asked favours!
I think perhaps if I do carry on I will need to make more effort to join childminder groups as all my friends with preschool children have children at school now and they go out to work!
I do though have a nice social life and my oldest daughter is old enough to babysit the younger one so hubby and I get out and about too!

05-03-2008, 02:32 PM
Twinkles you need a lap top so you can see when i am insulting you :clapping:

05-03-2008, 02:54 PM
Just wondering if you ever get fed up of childminding on your own or do you like working by yourselves.

I feel quite isolated sometimes and really wonder whether I would be happier back doing my old job as a medical secretary. I really miss the hustle and bustle of a busy office and adult company sometimes and it's getting worse.

I've looked into going back to work but it's just not worth my while by the time I've paid for childcare and tax and national insurance. Can't get any help with tax credits either.

There's no decent playgroups round here either.

It's not that I don't love kids but god I crave adult company sometimes!

How do you all cope?

I used to be a medical secretary too. Left 10 years ago. Would never go back. Too stressful. My Consultant specialised in Breast Cancer. It was horrible sometimes these poor ladies.

Annie x

05-03-2008, 02:55 PM
I used to be a medical secretary too. Left 10 years ago. Would never go back. Too stressful. My Consultant specialised in Breast Cancer. It was horrible sometimes these poor ladies.

Annie x

Oh I loved it, but I worked for a GP so it was more general illnesses. I'd go back in a flash if I could.

05-03-2008, 02:56 PM
I agree with everyone

Often people who I do know are not intererest in children and do not want to chat about them some of them think im mad to be doing the job that im doing - then I get the ones that think we do not do anything really

So yes it can be lonely


Angel xx

05-03-2008, 02:58 PM
Sorry to be a moaning Minnie.

I do like being at home especially while Poppy is young. Just want the best of both worlds I think.

05-03-2008, 03:00 PM
There are times when you do feel very alone. I work mornings on the farm and I mind afternoons and I don't have time to get out to groups and meet people and they are a drive away in the car even if I had the time. There are weeks where I don't go out for ten days or so and so I only c minded mum and hubbie :eek: I get a little stir crazy after that.

Go for a walk, that often helps, is there nothing near you at all, walking or by bus?? May be you could start a group/ coffee morning and get everyone to come to you as you don't drive??:idea:

I miss adult conversation too, so I wait for hubbie to come in off the farm, :D makes no odds as often he is so tired he falls asleep :laughing:

So I come on here..... like minded people with a variety of topics etc etc and I feel much better. Either that or it's the choccie biscuits I eat in between typing :D

05-03-2008, 03:02 PM
Like Flora I go for a lot of walks... and this is my lifeline!

I've had a lovely visit from a childminding friend this afternoon, but usually I'm on my own a lot too..

Thank goodness for here! :D

05-03-2008, 03:08 PM
Where abouts do you live? Have you checked on the internet for childminders groups near you? :)

05-03-2008, 03:12 PM
Know how you feel, I do miss adult company.

I am lucky as I do go to Mums and Tots but my partner always rings me in the afternoon so I can talk to an "adult".

I find it helps to get me through the day having a little moan or laugh about the children to him. I'm sure he puts the phone under his ear and gets on with his paperwork. But it does help to break the day up.

Thank goodness I've found this forum as well :clapping:

05-03-2008, 03:20 PM
Where abouts do you live? Have you checked on the internet for childminders groups near you? :)

I do go to a childminders group on a monday morning which is nice but the mum's and tots groups I've been to are awful (mum's just chatting to each other while lo's are beating the living daylights out of each other). "T" my little mindee just clings to me.

I do have a car so I'm not trapped in the house, just feel lonely sometimes.

Thanks to everyone for letting me have a moan.

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
05-03-2008, 03:37 PM
I know how you feel, I do feel very lonely at times and wish sometimes I was in my office job as I loved it so much got made redudant.

I do go to toddler groups on a Monday and Thursday and met up with my two other childminding friends which is great and my one childminding friend we are also ringing each other up which does help.

I think most of us must feel like this at some point.

Lorraine x

05-03-2008, 03:47 PM
I feel very lonely at times so know how you feel but I love my job and I love being my own boss and doing what I want when I want!

This forum is fantastic though, if you ever want to chat. :thumbsup:

Heaven Scent
05-03-2008, 04:09 PM
I don't have time to get lonely but I do feel isolated. I have a cleaner/ironer who is about to embark on her NVQ L2 and then hopefully become my P/T assistant, and my husband works shifts. I go to the childminder group on Tues am and then I sometimes go to mums and tots on Tues & Thurs pm. But I find that a lot of people who I saw before never pop in for a coffee during the day because I've got the children.

Perhaps once I've got everything in place properly etc I will feel it more. I've also had a lot going on with the house at the moment between leaks and decorating and getting it insulated etc etc. I use this site to keep me sane at the moment I think I'd go off my head without it as I'd be worrying my socks off about everything. There is also a childminder living right across from me who comes in for a coffee from time to time or I walk to school with.


05-03-2008, 04:18 PM
I'm not childminding yet but i have been a home mum for nearly 3 years now so I am used to my own company, but I do a lot of school runs and if it weren't for those and getting see people at the schools I would be so lonely, I know for sure I would.

05-03-2008, 04:35 PM
Just wondering if you ever get fed up of childminding on your own or do you like working by yourselves.

I feel quite isolated sometimes and really wonder whether I would be happier back doing my old job as a medical secretary. I really miss the hustle and bustle of a busy office and adult company sometimes and it's getting worse.

I've looked into going back to work but it's just not worth my while by the time I've paid for childcare and tax and national insurance. Can't get any help with tax credits either.

There's no decent playgroups round here either.

It's not that I don't love kids but god I crave adult company sometimes!

How do you all cope?

I go to a mother and toddler group three sometimes four times a week, I've gotten to know lots of other childminders this way and we've established friendships which is well handy in the school hols as you can see what everyone else it up to and meet, a day in the park is "a day" in the park when your with someone else! It may be worth sticking with the playgroups until you get to know people, I really had to push myself to get to know people and I'm glad i did, otherwise I know I probably would feel really isolated.

the only time i feel isolated sometimes when you want to talk something over childminding wise, i dont like to talk toooo much about my business to other childminders, we are friends obviously but also competition! BUT....as everyone else has said this forum is a godsend!!! I dont know what I would do without it at times.....everything you need to know or anything thing your worried about you can come here for advice! Its great!!!!

miss muffit
05-03-2008, 04:48 PM
Hi It can be a very lonely job Is there any childminders in your area? maybe you could all meet up in each others houses for a cuppa and a chat we do this on a monday morning... it nice for the children as well
We also go to childminding group and tots in our area
As others have said this forum is great...a true lifeline :clapping:

:) :) :)

05-03-2008, 05:11 PM
i think i am very lucky as i have my daughter to talk to during the day

before she became a childminder with me yes i did get lonely

i don't drive and like Ma7ie i was not impressed with the local mother and toddler group.

we did start a childminding group but it folded after a year as not many attended

but like the other i do enjoy coming on this forum


05-03-2008, 05:11 PM
Does your area run a Support or Buddy Minder system Marie.

I know that you are already registered but as it is under a year since your registration you may still qualify.

Obviously it depends on whether or not your area runs the scheme but give you Early Years team a call and ask....

The reason I suggest this as the person that is assigned to you would have probably been minding for some time and should have a sound knowledge.

She/he will also already have good links within the childminding community and be able to help you meet with other childminders.

I am a Support Minder and believe that one of the most important things in my role is to help the childminders 'get out there' so that they don't feel isolated.

05-03-2008, 05:33 PM
We all go to the same toddler groups in Redhill. We go out on mass in the holidays, its great fun. The children all get to know each other really well.

I suppose we are lucky to have a great back up and support system.

Do you not mix with other minders at the school playground?
On the down side i do have to put up with Twinkles:laughing:

Oi ! I heard that. Play nice :D

05-03-2008, 06:30 PM
im not minding yet but i feel isolated as i moved here innov and only know 1 person where i live and few up the school but dont really talk to them outside school

here we do childminders meetings once month tho so that kinda helps as we get take the kids and chat etc

05-03-2008, 07:17 PM
I have up until recently felt very isolated even though hubby is at home one week until 2pm and other week home at 3pm which is nice but would like adult company lol (sorry gary). I have one good friend who is a childminder but lives 20 miles away. Have done toddler groups and CM drop ins but still feel isolated as they are very cliquey. I am (I think) able to get on with most people so maybe it is me.

The past couple of weeks I have had a visit from a wonderful childminder friend and have really enjoyed it and S aged nearly 3 has enjoyed it as well as he has had others to play with.I am really hoping this can become a regular thing.

I don't drive but with gary being at home it does mean I can get around every other week.

05-03-2008, 08:07 PM
I have a friend who is also a childminder just down the road and we go to children centres, toy libary stay and play sessions, story time at the libary, so I have the best of both worlds adult conversation and being able to work with children. The best part for me though is being there for my own children which is why I started childminding.


hello kitty
05-03-2008, 09:08 PM
I agree with Avril I started childminding to be at home for my own children while still earning.

I am quite shy and hate going to new groups where I don't know anyone but I forced myself to go to my local childminding group and although numbers have dwindled I have made some great friends there. They even shared my recent birthday with me.

As I only have under 5's I don't even do the school run so don't see anyone that way.

However I now go to a music group and visit the library with a c/m friend and I think just getting out of the house once a day even just going to the shop lifts your spirits and of course this forum which makes you feel involved and allows you to speak without (me anyway) feeling embarassed.

Thanks everyone.

Sarah :blush:

Cammie Doodle
05-03-2008, 09:26 PM
Well girls what you need to do is get your friend and neighbour to become a childminder, that s what I did :laughing: :laughing: Carolyn started as my assistant then became a Childminder in her own right . We keep each other sane well thats what we say:D . We have a gate between our Gardens, we share toys, resources etc in fact we even share some of our mindees. I dont know if I would have lasted this long without Carolyn being there for me as we live in the middle of no where and are very isolated.

Tily Bud
05-03-2008, 09:35 PM
Ive no need to be lonley ive got Hazel on the other end oif the phone :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

05-03-2008, 10:22 PM
im feeling like that at the moment, must be the weather. some days i love it others irather work in sainsburys!!!!!!!!!!

06-03-2008, 08:15 AM
I was worried about being on my own when first started as previously worked in a shop in the week and weekends and loved talking to friends and customers but luckily met an old friend on my icp and we've done everything together. We meet up once a week at a tots group, I go to my childminding group and have another childminder close by and we try and meet up at the park once a week.

Quite lucky really.:)

06-03-2008, 09:26 AM
I used to feel really trapped and sometimes still do if I can't get out of the house!

I hate being indoors and like to feel that I'm free so a few weeks ago when I had a couple of children start I felt really trapped!

I go out now to toddlers, library, park, shops, etc and I feel so much better. At toddlers I see some friends there and sometimes they come to the park etc with us.

I know how you feel and sometimes I wish I was back in an office again as I liked organising things, seeing projects through from conception to completion and having other people to laugh with. Saying that though I also remember the horrible times with the office b**ch, the horrible sales people I had to deal with and earning a pittance but making money for a nasty boss who didn't give a monkeys about us!

I think I've got it much better now - playing and singing all day and going wherever I like, when I like! Plus, I still get plenty of paperwork do do! Ha ha!