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View Full Version : new nursery on door step

04-12-2009, 02:28 PM
our head master has decided to change the the pre school into a nursery taking children from 2 yrs.

we are a small village, with 4 childminders, I am full but the other 3 are not.

he seems to think that there are lots of people wanting this childcare
I cannot see it happening but jobs are advertised now
(the previous 2 leaders have quit they did not want to work with 2 year olds)
we only have 9 at our village pre school, obviously this grows to about 15-20
children by the end of the school year.

As i am out of touch and we are due to have village meetings
(as he has kicked out the old people from meeting in our community
centre now in the afternoons....bless 'em....they have no where to meet now
thats another story)

my question, can a child do pre school all year round or just term time ?
any views/knowledge

04-12-2009, 04:37 PM
One of my local nurseries (pre school) started taking from 1yr olds in a 'baby room' - not called a baby room according to manager :rolleyes: Convenient as her youngest is in this age range.

It is term time only and ends at 4.30pm, I think, so no good for working parents. I am gaining a child from there when his mum goes back to work in March :thumbsup:

04-12-2009, 08:17 PM
my question, can a child do pre school all year round or just term time ?
any views/knowledge

It depends what they're registered for. Most playgroups/pre-schools are term-time only but our local school has a breakfast/after-school/holiday club which opens all year round 7.30 until 6pm.

Miffy xx

07-12-2009, 01:36 PM
I think this type of thing could be set to increase once 2 year old funding comes in :( but I think most if not all of my children have been under 1 year when they came to me so perhaps it won't affect you as badly as anticipated.

I am joining the network so I can offer nursery grant (3 yr old funding) in the hope this will secure some clients in the future, even if they split it with me and the nursery.

Don't forget funding is term time only at the moment i.e. 38 weeks a year so parents still need to pay if the nursery is open.

07-12-2009, 02:05 PM
I read somewhere over the weekend that Gordon Brown has back tracked on the 2 year old funding as he is keeping childcare vouchers now!

08-12-2009, 01:53 PM
I guess at the moment anything could happen :rolleyes: but the free entitlement for 3 and 4 yr olds increases to 15 hours from 2010.