View Full Version : Xmas day, boxing day, new years day etc fees.

Jelly Baby
30-11-2009, 10:28 AM
The last few invoices i remember i am sure i have charged half for these days as they have fallen on working days (the only one i wont work and know parents wont come is xmas day but what if its a normal day as such (i.e this ones a friday)..i know this year only xmas day does and we are away the rest but just done an invoice for one of my mums and put half for xmas day and am thinking i should take it off (just did it out of habit i think!)..she won't be here and im not going to work so is this what everyone else does..have to say no one has queried it before but now im wondering what to do? one parent has only ever asked r.e xmas day..odd!

30-11-2009, 10:32 AM
i'm taking christmas eve/day off PAID

i'm working over new year :thumbsup:

Jelly Baby
30-11-2009, 10:35 AM
i'm taking christmas eve/day off PAID

i'm working over new year :thumbsup:

Ah see now i didn't expect that!..are you charging half or full and what do the parents say when you are not available for work on xmas day?
Im working xmas eve but then on holiday for 2 weeks and mum has booked the same time off BUT im just thinking if she was here and i was here i wouldn't work new years day so cant charge for it really..can we?

30-11-2009, 10:40 AM
parents have been told i'm not working but will be charging full fee if its a contracted day, they have been fine about it.

this is also stated in my contracts :thumbsup:

30-11-2009, 10:41 AM
It's whatever you've written into your contract. And whatever your gut is telling you...?!
If I'm not available I don't charge....

Sorry, not much help...


Jelly Baby
30-11-2009, 10:49 AM
Ok thanks ladies..see this is why i need to re do my contracts and sort stuff like this as i dont have anything about days like these tbh as quite happy to work whenever apart from xmas day! (not sure what ide say too if they queried it!)
Thanks i wont charge for xmas day but will the rest as i woud normally work them tbh.
Thanks again for the replys x

01-12-2009, 12:44 PM
be carefull though as i am sure i have read somewhere , (poss on ncma contract or web) that you can only charge for the bank holidays if you are availible to work them, which im sure you wouldnt want to work xmas day ;) ,

Jelly Baby
01-12-2009, 02:20 PM
Thanks nikim i have put no fee on for xmas day, boxing day and new years day!

01-12-2009, 02:25 PM
I dont charge for any BH as I dont work them. Thats my choice and its in my cotract:thumbsup:

01-12-2009, 06:10 PM
be carefull though as i am sure i have read somewhere , (poss on ncma contract or web) that you can only charge for the bank holidays if you are availible to work them, which im sure you wouldnt want to work xmas day ;) ,

mines down as a paid holiday, i take 4 weeks paid holidays per year :thumbsup:

Lady Haha
02-12-2009, 11:26 AM
mines down as a paid holiday, i take 4 weeks paid holidays per year :thumbsup:

I wish I could get my holidays paid, but I think I would send the parents into meltdown!!! I have a hard enough job trying to make them understand why they should pay when its THEIR holiday!!!!:laughing:

Chimps Childminding
02-12-2009, 03:17 PM
I wish I could get my holidays paid, but I think I would send the parents into meltdown!!! I have a hard enough job trying to make them understand why they should pay when its THEIR holiday!!!!:laughing:

same here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

But then some of mine use another minder while I am on holiday, so would end up having to pay twice - can see why they would object!!!!

07-12-2009, 11:53 AM
Hi guy's im new to this...i was told about this site when my query was xmas day...been reading through some of your queries and replies which all seem so helpful. One of my parents asked the same for xmas day i agree i shouldn't be paid for a day not worked...but i always remember on a course the question came up and the answer given was all your parents get paid by their bosses so you are quite within your rights to charge..only i feel mean it's Christmas!! But i would be set to loose a few days pay it works out if i don't charge. Plus the mum who has asked has NEVER paid me on time is unreliable in terms of turning up on time swaps days constantly and never gives me notice for anything all without a sorry I think i have only ever taken one day off unpaid of course always been so flexible etc...so im unsure of what to do!! I try not to mix business with pleasure but it's sooo hard she has become a friend and i feel awful HELP!!..i did offer half a day payment thinking i was being fair but she joked about bringing him to me so now i feel TERRIBLE!!!